Book Week Scotland

As part of Book Week Scotland 2020 we are taking part in lots of reading activities to develop a love of reading. We are using the hashtag #readliveimaginesucceed  which was created through a whole school house competition. This winning hashtag was a combination of one word from each house’s best entry so that is 100 golden tokens for each house.

Mrs Hunter from Mossend Primary has also recorded a story telling session just as I have here as we cannot visit each other’s schools in the way we would usually do. Primary 7 have been recording stories for our younger classes and P4/5 have been doing this for the nursery also !

Remember on Friday it is Come To School In Your PJs With A Book Day ! We will be able to curl up with our books and listen to some audio books as well while our younger pupils will receive their gift bags of books from Read Write Count.

Please send photos of you reading at home to the school twitter account using the #readliveimaginesucceed  and lets have some fun with reading this week !!

Click on the following link to listen to Mrs Wilson reading the book East Girl, West Girl.


Primary 6 Reflective Friday – October 2020

Welcome to our Reflective Friday post for the month of October. We seem to have lost our post, so here we are again.  We have been learning lots and having a great time in the lead up to our Halloween celebrations.


We have been looking at the area of persuasive writing with a focus of completing an essay on” Should we have school uniforms”. We looked at the importance of persuasive language and making sure we get our point of view over to the reader. We have continued our ongoing work on accurate spelling, grammar and presentation as well as working hard to improve our reading fluency. Our class novel The Tribe is now finished, we have loved this novel and we didn’t want it to end. Due to this we have all been given our reading groups. the three groups are now reading; The Hundred Mile An Hour Dog by Jeremy Strong, Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo, and The Eleventh Orphan by Joan Lingard. We are all excited to be in our reading groups again and to get started these novels.


We have been reinforcing our understanding of place value and using this effectively in our estimation and rounding work. We worked hard with our Addition and Subtraction sums and are currently working on Multiplications. Every Wednesday we have a break and work on Data Handling which is a lot more hands on but are really enjoying this. Drawing the graphs with a ruler was challenging to begin with but getting there now.   In our ICT time we have also worked with Sumdog to increase our mental agility and enable us to explain our thinking in number talks.


In ICT we are learning how to join a teams meeting on Microsoft teams. This is really useful in case we need to self isolate but also it is a skill we will need in the world of work. We are making sure that everyone can send emails properly and Miss Verrecchia is setting our homework on the school website under the P6 class tab. That is where you will find your work if you are isolating too.


In RE we have been learning about St Mungo and discovering many interesting facts. October was also the month of Our Lady and we remembered her when we prayed the Rosary.


Our topic is Scottish Inventors and we have enjoyed learning about Alexander Fleming and  Alexander Graham Bell etc. We have now decided that we have come to an end with this topic and voted for our new mini topic that will take us up to Christmas. We took a vote in class and decided our new mini topic would be “China”. We are so excited to find out about the culture, language, food, traditions, and other interesting facts.


We have been enjoying outdoor PE  with a focus on Badminton and moving on to Ball skills . This has involved a lot of hand and eye coordination and focus, which can be challenging at times. We are still exploring the emotion works wheel and talking about friendships and our own personal qualities. We looked at food labels and the effects healthy and unhealthy food has on our bodies. At the end of November we will be looking at Gods Loving Plan and working our way through the P6 programme.

We have really enjoyed October in class and hoping that we continue to grow, develop, continue to learn and stay safe during these hard times. November has so much going on like Poppy Day, Book Day, DYWF and many more. Hope you enjoyed reading about our wonderful adventures of Primary 6.

Primary 5 Reflective Friday October Post

Welcome to our Reflective Friday post for the month of October. We have been learning lots and having a great time in the lead up to our Halloween celebrations.


We have been looking at the area of report writing with a focus on newspaper reports this month. We looked at the importance of headlines as well as the use of paragraphs in order to present facts clearly and in a way that would capture the readers’ attention. We have continued our ongoing work on accurate spelling, grammar and presentation as well as working hard to improve our reading fluency. Our novel is Tilly and the Badgers which has made us think a lot about animal cruelty and the theme of badger baiting in particular.


We have been reinforcing our understanding of place value and using this effectively in our estimation and rounding work. In our ICT time we have also worked with top marks to increase our mental agility and enable us to explain our thinking in number talks. We are completing speed sums tasks on a regular basis for this purpose also.


In ICT we are learning how to join a teams meeting on Microsoft teams. This is really useful in case we need to self isolate but also it is a skill we will need in the world of work. We are making sure that everyone can send emails properly and Miss Glavin is setting our homework on the school website under the P5 class tab. That is where you will find your work if you are isolating too.


In RE we have been learning about St Mungo and discovering many interesting facts. October was also the month of Our Lady and we remembered her when we prayed the Rosary.


Our topic is scottish inventors and we have enjoyed learning about Alexander Fleming and  Alexander Graham Bell so far. In art we have been doing Steven Brown highland McCoo pictures and they are fantastic. It is great to learn about the work of a scottish artist.


We have been enjoying outdoor PE  with a focus on stamina and agility. This has involved regular running sessions  and using an obstacle course approach to increase our fitness.


Certificate awards! Well done Primary 5 children!😊

Reflective Friday Primary 2/3

This month we had reflective Thursday as Friday saw our class celebration for Halloween. Slightly different than usual but no less fun. The children looked fantastic all dressed up and I hope that you enjoyed seeing the art work that they created last week.

This month we have been extremely busy in class. The children have been working hard and it is great to see the progress that they have made. I hope that you enjoyed looking at all the wonderful work in their jotters?

In Literacy the children have been writing instructions and recounts and have been developing their comprehension skills through activities linked to their reading book. I have enjoyed listening to the children read and can definitely see an improvement in their fluency and accuracy so thank you for your support at home.

In Numeracy the children are moving on to subtraction, followed by multiplication and division. The children work very hard during class time and again I can really see how well they are doing. The children also very much enjoy Sumdog, which is a great resource tailored to the specific development needs of each child. In addition to this I select topics to support and consolidate the work that we are doing in class, so I really appreciate you encouraging your child to log in and spend some time this as part of their homework.

Health and Wellbeing/R.E and Topic

The children have been competing in the Primary 2/3 Class Games during P.E. They are either in Team Mario or Team Yoshi and are enjoying some healthy team competition by completing a variety of races, obstacles and developing skills in communication, timing, balance and footwork.

Throughout the month of October the children took part in praying the Rosary and the children loved bringing in their Rosary Beads to use during this time. In November we will be praying for all our loved ones who have passed and again thank you to those who have returned their list.

Finally in addition to the seasonal celebrations such as Halloween, Bonfire Night and Christmas, the children have been exploring the topic of Knights and Castles and can describe all the special roles of a knight and explain why their armour is so important and can even name some parts of this. Keep your eyes peeled for some fabulous artwork and your ears at the ready for some interesting facts.

Well done boys and girls on another successful month at school.

P4/5 Reflective Friday post for October

Since our reflective day was a Thursday this month, we decided to do things a bit differently. We can use the ICT room on a Thursday, so some of the boys and girls wrote about what they’ve learned over this past month and sent it to the whole class on Teams. Here is what they came up with: (Well done and thank you to all who contributed)


this October month i have been learning alot my favrite book this month is the twelth floor kids and poppet this month we done art we done pumkins and sugur skulls we i like doing maths because i like doing sumdog and daily TEN and i have been learning the 4 times table bye



language reading storys incredebile insects tlweefth floor kids write story i made a story about Karate Kid And Mrs Dasily was pleased with It ICT I made my own sprite charcter in scratchand doing my 4x table on sum dog and sending emails on glow



i have been learning my 4 time table i rilly like daily 10 and bingo some times we play bingo after daily 10 and we play scrach it is very very fun we made some suger skulls we do alout of art some times we do maths



hello to everyone this is my october list we learned about our 4x tables and to make sugar skuls and our what is an insect art we learned about poppet and scratch we play sumdog in the I.C.T room we do our sumdog tasks and we log into glow we go into onedrive and mail on mail we can message our friends and our teachers and people in diffrent classes and we learned about alexander graim bell and thomas watt the end



hi to all of you my list of things in I.C.T sumdog is  not  new to us but scratch is new to us and i lik my 4x tables


Sophie Jane

hi guys i really like learning the 4x table because i did not know it before and i know it know im really happy and i love daily 10 i practise the sums now languege i like languege because it helps me how to read we done incredible insects i like it because i learn about animals what i did not know about art i really like art because we done sugar skills and ict because

sumdog because it is really fun i get to do games while doing maths



hi to all of you my list of things in I.C.T sumdog is not new to us but i was doing my 4x on it with a fun game i like and a new thing scratch i like scratch because it is a platform with a thing its name sprit you can make it say things if you wanted and glow it is an amazing platform you can send a emal on it good bye.



in this year i have been learning making sugar sculs and pumkins and i have been learng to do scrach you can make your own character you drees them up it is very fun i have been doing sumdog doing my four times table i love it we have been doing bingo and daily tens we have been doing colour spanish and pee in pe we have been playing food and drink and running that is all from my october month bye everyone






hello evrye oun we made shoger sculls we made posters for climet change i like to do maths and somdog daly TEN and scratch sprits



i like sumdog beocause you learn a bit of matths



I like sumdog and glow



I like doing sumdog reply if you do to


We also had a lovely day on Friday celebrating Hallowe’en. Here is a video of our parade:


Primary 7 October Reflective Friday

It has been a busy month in primary 7.

Yesterday we read the final pages of Divided City. The children were excited to get to the end of the novel, but at the same time are disappointed there’s no more to read. It has been great to see so many of the children really engage with the book and get so much enjoyment from reading. We will be starting our new books next week so we have something to look forward to.

Divided City has been the inspiration for our art work this month. We have completed fantastic colourful Glasgow cityscapes, featuring many of the landmarks we have been reading about in the book. The church featured in the novel also inspired us to head outside and draw our own beautiful church with some lovely results.

In literacy the children have really enjoyed learning the skill of persuasive writing. We have written a range persuasive letters and essays all which have been fantastic, they certainly are a persuasive bunch!

In numeracy the children have spent a lot of time looking at addition, subtraction and multiplication. We have worked on both written calculations and have also been learning lots of different mental strategies for these kinds of questions. We have started a timed maths challenge too, with the children completing a challenge once per week in 60 seconds, each week trying to beat their own score.

As we finish our learning on Scottish inventors we are beginning to look at the solar system. The children are all very interested in space and the planets and are asking some interesting and thought provoking questions, well done primary 7.

PE has made a welcome return this month with the children enjoying getting outdoors. We will be focusing on running over the next few weeks, building our stamina and resilience and learning good running and breathing techniques.

For October, the month of the Rosary, we have been reminding ourselves of the Rosary prayers and reflecting on why the Rosary is so special. The children have enjoyed talking about the mysteries of the Rosary and have produced some really lovely illustrations.

We are looking forward to our “desk  Halloween party” tomorrow a great way to finish off a busy and successful month.

Primary 1 October 2020

Hello everyone and welcome to our October Reflective Friday post. This month has been a very unusual one for our class as we have been isolating and learning at home for some of the time  We have been working so hard at home and completing all of our tasks posted on the website. Well done boys and girls!

This month our class target was to talk about our feelings. We have been doing this every day and using our mood monsters on our classroom wall to help with our emotional vocabulary. We are getting better at using our feeling words and have enjoyed exploring the emotion works orange cog in the assembly hall and classroom. At home we have been talking to our families about how we feel and sharing our worries, if we have any, with adults.

We have been working so hard with our number work and have had some fun in class learning more about counting and adding to 10. We can order our numbers to 10 and can even write the number names! At home we have been learning to measure, using the language of measurement – tall, small, order, measure, compare, size.

In literacy we have been learning how to write a sentence and how important it is to add finger spaces. We had lots of fun reading sentences that didn’t have any finger spaces and we noticed that they didn’t sound right! We have been text detectives and have been learning more about our sounds and common words. The boys and girls have been creating fabulous stories, writing about Percy the Park Keeper, Autumn and our October holiday. We can even include a feeling in our writing! Great job!

We have been exploring the season of Autumn together and have become Autumn detectives, noticing the changes in our outdoor environments. Here we are trying to find signs of Autumn.

During our Autumn topic we have been learning about Percy the Park Keeper and all of the animals that he works with in the park. We learned about animals who hibernate during the cold winter months. One of these animals was a hedgehog and we made our own using Autumn leaves that we collected on our walks. Before we began learning from home we made fantastic stick wands and pretended to be witches and wizards! We cast spells on each other and had lots of Halloween fun!

Well done Primary 1! Superstar workers!

Primary 1/2 October 2020

We have had a fabulous month of new learning in primary 1 / 2. We have continued to work hard on learning our new school routines and have tried so hard to show great behaviour and work. Mrs Simpson thinks we are superstars. Our Rainbow Reward chart, Class Dojo and winning lots of Golden Tokens encourage us to do our best every day.

Within literacy we have made excellent progress within the Active Literacy programme. We have learned lots more sounds and have been learning to use the sounds we learn to build new words.

Our reading is constantly improving . We have read lots of interesting reading books and have enjoyed learning a variety of Read to Write tasks. We love completing Sticky Sentences. This is where we sequence jumbled up sentences. We have created lots of interesting pieces of writing this month also. We have been learning about recounts and have enjoyed creating our own. We have written about our October holiday and a Halloween story recount. We have been trying hard to assess our own work by becoming Charlie Checkers. We have been checking our work to ensure we have included capital letters, full stops, fingers spaces and that we are writing on the line. We carried out solo talks this month in class. We shared lots of interesting information with our new friends. Mrs Simpson said that we prepared very well and listened so well to others. Here is one of us carrying our our solo talks.

Within maths, the Cubes group have made an excellent start to Addition. The Counters group have been working on Subtraction. Both groups have been using concrete materials to help them understand these concepts. We love practising our number formation on our ‘Show Me’ boards. Mrs Simpson says we are getting good at counting forwards and backwards from a range of different numbers.

Our class has continued to develop their emotional literacy through Health and Wellbeing lessons. We especially enjoyed playing the Emotions board game where we had the opportunity to discuss times in our life when we felt a range of emotions.

Our topics this month have been Autumn and Halloween. We have participated in a wide range of lessons based on both topics. As well listening to spooky stories, we have had the opportunity to create various pieces of Halloween artwork. Our favourite was making 2D shape witches. We also enjoyed going on an Autumn treasure hunt. We were able to find lots of things relating to Autumn including lots of brightly coloured leaves which we used to make Autumn hedgehogs. We praised God for creating our beautiful Autumn world by creating Autumn leaves with praise words on them.


Mrs Simpson has been teaching us lots of Spanish in class. We have learned lots this month including a range of colours, some classroom commands and we can also bless ourselves. Our favourite game so far is Spanish Eye Spy.

P1 Reflective Friday, September 2020

Hello and welcome to our Primary 1 update for this month. Since starting school in August we have worked very hard to learn all of the new routines in the school and classroom. We can unpack and pack our bags and organise our own belongings. Every day we can order our own lunches and are enjoying eating with our friends. We are working hard to learn to zip up and button our own jackets. We have made lots of new friends and are enjoying playing together during our outdoor play.

We have been talking about our feelings and emotions with our teachers and friends. Our Mood Monster wall helps us to name our feelings and we can talk about how to name our emotions. When we feel sad or worried we can feed our worries to ‘Fuzzy Wuzzy’ the Worry Monster and he eats them all up for us! What a great little monster!

In the classroom we have been very busy learning to write our own names and to learn lots of new letters. We now know a, t, s, i, p, n, r, m, d, e. We have been so busy! We can use our magic reading fingers to read sentences and are beginning to build our own sentences. We know that Mr Capital letter should come at the beginning of our sentence, with his friend Mr Full Stop at the end.

We have been learning all about our numbers to 10 and can read, write and order our numbers. When we are counting we like to play games to learn more about before/after and in between numbers. Every day we count aloud with our class and try to beat the teacher! We have a number of the day and this helps us to focus on a different number every day. We like to count when we line up and count forwards and backwards to 20. Every day we practise how to write our numbers and make sure they are facing the correct way.



P2/3 Reflective Friday

Welcome back to primary 2/3 and our first Reflective Friday post. 

I hope that all the children are delighted to be back with their school family after lockdownThe boys and girls have settled in really well and have been working hard to adjust to the one way system and the play and learning zones. We have had a huge focus on Health and Wellbeing and the children have learned all about keeping themselves and others safe through increased hand washing, sanitizing and social distancing.   


This will be very busy term for Primary 2/3 but the children have shown they are ready and willing to learn. In Math’s and Numeracy we have been focusing on developing their mental agility, counting forwards and backwards in 1’s,2’s,5’s and 10’s.  They have been exploring up to 3 digit numbers and will go on to apply this to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I hope you will continue to support your children by encouraging and supporting them with homework tasks which will always reinforce their learning in class. 


In Literacy the pupils will continue to develop their skills in reading, writing, listening and talking, and are progressing well through the core programmes. These last few weeks we have been revising and consolidating phonemes and spelling taught to date. To further support your child at home, please encourage them to read aloud every night and to discuss what they are reading as this will be beneficial to their understanding of the book. Please also practise weekly taught phonemes and spelling words as this will really help your child in their class work. Children have been issued with a homework jotter and should take opportunities to develop handwriting skills by completing any written tasks here. 


We take every opportunity to get outdoors, and participate in the Daily Mile. In addition to this the children have been developing their communication skills and physical fitness through participation in a variety of outdoor and indoor activities and really enjoy this.

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