Primary 1, August ’22 Update

August ’22 Update – Primary 1

Hello and welcome to our first update from Primary 1! At the end of each month, we will share some of the exciting things that we have learned in Primary 1 and some photographs so that our families can see us having fun at school. The children have settled very well into school life and have been having lots of fun with new friends!

The boys and girls are learning to follow new routines and are working hard to take care of their own belongings when at school. The children are being supported in unpacking and packing their own bags, taking home their own reading books, and making choices for lunch. We are learning to change into our PE clothes and back into our uniforms, this is something we must keep practising at home with our families. Here we are enjoying PE with our P6 friends.

In Literacy we are learning to use good listening skills. Percy the Park Keeper has come to our class to help us to do good sitting and concentrating. We take turns to listen to our friends and share our thoughts and stories. We listened to Percy’s book ‘The Rescue Party’ and talked about the story with Percy. He asked us to make a book with our name and things we like. We loved becoming authors! Percy will be coming to visit us with different books in Primary 1.

Our Smart pal helps us to practise our letter and number formations. We use these in the morning to help us to focus and concentrate. Every day we practise writing our names too, even in the playground with chalk.

We have been learning how to form our numbers in Primary 1. We read the number puppy stories and talk about what our numbers look like and how to write them. We can count together in 1’s, forwards and backwards. So far, we can read, write, and count 0,1,2 and 3.

Welcome Back!

We are looking forward to welcoming back all the pupils of Holy Family Primary on Wednesday the 17th of August at 9:00am.

For our P1 intake, we will welcome all our new starts at 10:00am on the Wednesday where they will be collected at the gate and taken into their new class by their teacher, Mrs Stevenson.

P1 parents, you are most welcome to come, a maximum of two parents per child, at 2:15pm to collect your children from inside the school where you can take lots of First Day photographs of your child.

God’s Loving Plan

A lot of our classes will be covering God’s Loving Plan as our final RE topic of the term. For more information and what this means your child will be learning about, please click on the link below. Any other questions, please feel free to contact the school.

This document is intended as a supplementary reference to provide parents with information about the learning and teaching detailed in ‘God’s Loving Plan’ for each stage across the primary school. In addition to a summary of the core learning for each stage you will find information about the vocabulary introduced and details of the corresponding learning. Information regarding the vision behind ‘God’s Loving Plan’ and suggestions on how you can support your child at home can be found in the guide for parents available at:

Click to access vocabulary_guide_glp_2016.pdf



Primary 5/6 May Update

Primary 5/6 had another successful month of learning in May.


We worked extremely hard investigating different types of angles. We even learned how to measure and draw angles. We then moved onto learning about money. We learned to add, subtract, multiply and divide money. We used our prior knowledge of our taught strategies to do so. We also practised budgeting our money and exploring profit and loss.



As always, we worked hard at applying our spelling strategies. We are all able to do this independently which is fantastic. We have been working our way through our reading novels (Wonder by RJ Palacio and The Demon Headmaster by Gillian Cross). We have explored and applied different reading strategies to help us understand our novels to a great extent. Furthermore, we have also worked hard in our writing lessons. We have focused on narrative, persuasive and discursive. Some of us have even became Star Writers and we are so proud of ourselves!



We were introduced to our new Enterprise topic when we came back from the Easter holidays. In groups, we have been planning for our Enterprise Day, 17th of June, where we are selling products and services to raise money for Cancer Research UK. Some examples of the products and services we are selling are stickers, face painting and beat the goalie activities.



We were also introduced to our new science topic, Human Biology. We have explored bacteria growing on teeth, the sense of taste, our heart and BPM as well as memory. We are enjoying the practical experiments and investigations that science offers us.



We are exploring kindness during our health and wellbeing lessons. Kindness is one of our school’s core values and it is also a core theme within the Primary 6’s reading novel, Wonder. We have explored what it means to be kind to our self and others, ways we can be kind and the impact kindness has on the world around us.


Keep up to date with our school’s Twitter feed to see pictures of all the wonderful learning.

Primary 3/4 May Update


Well…where to begin with all the learning and fun that the children have experienced over the last month.

Prior to updating I asked the boys and girls “so what have we been doing/learning this month” they couldn’t wait to tell me and share their achievements.

Lauren – we have been learning about time.

Amber – we have been going to Mass more and saying lots of Hail Mary’s.

Laraib – we have been learning about Venn Diagrams and Carroll Diagrams.

Ava – I have really enjoyed the PE this month and making my First Holy Communion.

Dzeisonas – I just always love Maths.

Caobhin – I have really liked doing Athletics in PE.

Lacey – I loved saying the Rosary, learning all about Mary in the Month of May and making my First Holy Communion.

Connie – I have learned lots about time and Data Handling.

Holly, Grace, Olivia and Emily – We loved reading Horrid Henry

Maths and Numeracy

The children have worked extremely hard this month and have demonstrated their developing knowledge and understanding in the four operations and fractions by applying this to other areas in Maths such as Time, Data Handling and Angles. They all very enjoyed the active aspects of these areas and surveyed everyone in the school to gather data on favourite foods, colours and animals. I have also been very impressed with how quickly the children are picking up angles and compass points and they were able to identify a variety of right angles in our classroom and can give directions using North, South, East West, clockwise, anti – clockwise. Ask them to tell you their little rhyme for remembering the order of the Compass Points. Going forward we will be working on Symmetry and consolidating our number knowledge before the end of term.


The Green Group are continuing to use the six main reading strategies of prior knowledge, metalinguistics, visualisation, inference, main ideas and summarising to help them gain a deeper understanding of what they are reading. They have been reading The Best Dog in the World and are enjoying learning all about the relationship between Denzil and Elliot. The children were given a home reading record and I have asked them to ensure they are choosing a book to read at home and to record it in their diary.

The Red Group have enjoyed reading all about the antics of Horrid Henry. They have been reading in groups, in partners and individually and are learning to read for longer periods. They have looked at some comprehension strategies such as visualisation, metalinguistic and main ideas to help them gain a fuller understanding of what they are reading. They have demonstrated this in their written work and we are going to try to read another Horrid Henry book before summer.

The Children have been exploring their senses when writing poetry this month. They have discussed the use of their senses to help them when writing.

Religious Education

Throughout the month of May the children have participated in class and whole school decades of the Rosary in devotion to Our Lady. They have been to Mass and have been learning some beautiful hymns including Bring Flowers of the Rarest. The boys and girls in Primary 4 celebrated the Sacrament of the Eucharist on the 14th May and did themselves proud with their full participation in the mass responses and hymns. Their hard work and preparation was clear to see and we are very proud of them. As a class we celebrated


We have been busy over the last few weeks, participating in Health Week and in PE we have been developing our skills in Athletics, running, sprinting, jumping and throwing and we can’t wait to showcase our skills at Sports Day.

Our class Enterprise topic that the children decided; was that, they wanted to raise money to help the people of Ukraine affected by War. We watched news coverage and discussed the cause of and impact of the conflict in Ukraine. The children have written prayers for peace and used oil pastels to create a piece of artwork that shows the sunflower and the thistle combining the two national symbols.

We collaborated with Primary 2/3 and decided we would plant sunflower seeds to sell; the proceeds will be donated to a charity dedicated to helping support the affected Ukrainian families. The children designed persuasive posters and advertising posters to promote this throughout the school.  So far they have raised a fantastic amount, keep your eyes on Twitter for the final amount raised.

Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at Sea Animals and exploring the habitats in the World’s Oceans.

Primary 4 Update

Primary 4 Update.

We have had a busy month , which has gone by very quickly.

First Communion

Our biggest event was the First Communion for many of our students. It was a beautiful day for everyone. The teachers were very proud, and we are sure the families were too. This is the start of a life long journey of faith and we are very proud to have been part of it . We hope the children continue to have a close relationship with Jesus, through the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist.


We have been very impressed with the amount of children who have created their own presentations and shared them with their friends. We have learned so much about the natural world from these young investigators! We have many future David Attenborourghs in our class!

We have been continuing with our spelling programmes, with weekly homework to support our work in class. We have many pupils who say that doing their homework regularly has made them much more confident. As part of our class work, we have been working on making our sentences more interesting through good vocabulary and punctuation.

We have all been reading novels this month. We have enjoyed talking about different characters, examining the vocabulary used in the novels and working out what the author is really telling us. We also enjoy talking about what we already know. This relates to the reading strategies that we will use in the future. Some groups have been working on writing summaries of the chapters we have read. It really helps us in class, if we bring our novel every day as we need it to do our written tasks.

We have been working on recounts as part of our writing work and working on extending our work and editing it , by ourselves or with a partner.

Numeracy and Maths

We have worked very hard on Multiplication and Division , which then helped us as we moved on to Fractions. Our teachers were delighted at how well we grasped how these are all connected. If we can multiply, we can also divide. This helped us to understand fractions, where we worked on halves, quarters, tenths, fifths and some children managed more tricky fractions. Some really smart children even mentioned percentages and understood how these worked.

We were even able to connect this to our work on data handling. Many children knew that 11 out of 22 children who chose chocolate as their favourite snack was the same as one half.

Health and Wellbeing

Our teachers have been so impressed with our levels of fitness during athletics lessons. We have been working on building our stamina and skills, with impressive results. We have also been working on co-operating with our team members and supporting everyone in our group. Our teachers have noticed that we are getting much better at that as the year goes on.  Well done everyone! Give yourself a pat on the back!


We did some work on natural disasters . We loved to see what can happen to our world, such as tsunamis and earthquakes. We really enjoyed making our own volcanoes with Miss McCulloch.


By the time you read this, we will have had a chance to have a party for our First Communion. We will be joined by our class-mates who supported us over the last few months with great patience. We want to thank them for that.

We have taken many photos which are over on Twitter.

Primary 2 May Update

Primary 2 have had a very exciting month. We have been working very hard and celebrated lots and lots of successes in May.

In maths we have been learning about multiplication and division. We began by making sets of items. We then learned about the multiplication sign and what it means. We are able to solve lots of multiplication problems now. We have also been sharing things equally when learning about division. Here are some of the fun activities that we have been doing to help us to be great learners.

In literacy, we are still working hard on all our sounds and common words. We have been doing lots of work with Mrs Simpson on writing sentences independently. We are getting so good at this. We have been reading lots more reading books and completing lots of activities based on our books. We must remember to read our books every night at home as this will help us lots in school. Some of primary 2 boys and girls have been very lucky and have a Reading Buddy from primary 5/6 who reads our books with us. We really appreciate the help that those kind children give to us.

In May we have been celebrating the Month of Mary. We learned about the Holy Rosary and said lots of prayers to Mary our mother. Primary 2 also lead the First Friday Mass at the beginning of May. We were such a great example to the other boys and girls in the school, and we made Father Brown and all the teachers very proud. Here are some of the children who read aloud and who participated in the offertory during our Mass.

We have been working hard on our Fairyland topic this month. We received a very important letter from Cinderella who had a very important task for us to do. She had lost one of her glass slippers and she asked us to design a new one for her. We all made beautiful creations.

Cinderella was so pleased that she sent some fun tasks for us to complete.

We also helped the sad troll from the Three Billy Goats Gruff story by writing a letter to the king to tell him that the billy goats had tricked him and that he is actually very kind. We made fantastic troll pictures to decorate our class.

Through the story of Little Red Riding Hood we have been learning about Stranger Danger within Health and Wellbeing. During this topic, we identified safer strangers and what we should do if a stranger approached us. We loved playing safer stranger bingo with Miss Goldie.

We have also been learning about our teeth and how to keep them healthy. Our favourite active learning this month has been our karate lesson during Health/Eco week. We learned lots of new skills whilst having lots of fun.

Primary 2 have also been learning about the Platinum Jubilee. We read a lovely book about the queen called There Once Is A Queen and discussed the upcoming celebrations. We researched lots of information about Queen Elizabeth II and we made our own bunting and silhouette collage pictures. Our class looks fit for a royal visit with all our new artwork.

Our favourite part of the month was the cinematic experience organised by Mrs Anderson and primary 7. We had a ball watching our favourite movies and eating lots of snacks. We want to say a huge thank you to primary 7 for our fun afternoon.

We are looking forward to our last month in primary 2 and the adventures we will experience in June. We can’t wait for lots more fun and learning. Please keep an eye on Twitter for regular updates from our class.

April Newsletter

Please click this link for the latest newsletter:

April Newsletter (Word version)

April Newsletter (PDF version)

We will also be collecting batteries to potentially win the school £4000 to spend on our outdoor area! Please start collecting batteries. You can hand them in to school or into your local supermarket. Just let us know how many you’ve collected and we can add it to our total. More info here:

1st Prize 

  • £4,000 for outdoor playground equipment
  • £200 of Schools Direct vouchers towards school equipment
  • 1x Nintendo Switch and £100 games voucher for winning pupil
  • 1x certificate for each participating pupil in the class
  • 1x trophy

1 x Runner up

  • £200 of Schools Direct vouchers towards school equipment
  • £125 of Waterstones vouchers for the school library
  • 1x iPad for winning pupil
  • 1x certificate for each participating pupil in the class
  • 1x trophy


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