Please note that this service is only for those children of key workers who cannot be cared for safely at home. As stated this is not business as usual but rather emergency provision to support the ongoing fight against the covid 19 virus.
Category Archives: Whole School
Please note that Miss Gallagher has added new class headers to the main menu of our website.
This is where you will access suggested activities for your child on a weekly basis as they work from home.
The main page of the website will be used for whole school updates and should ensure that all information is as easy to access as possible.
Please keep in touch with us via twitter and keep all our spirits up as we move into the spring.
And an extra message especially to the boys and girls of our wonderful school.
Stay safe, stay happy and stay in whenever you can !
Keep close to God in your prayers and also in the kindness you show to others around you – keep that vision and values statement alive in your own home every day.
Keep washing those hands and put your tissues straight into the bin.
I love you all very much and will see you soon
Take care
Mrs F Wilson x
P5 update from August and September
Over the past couple of months, P5 have been learning a lot about the Titanic and have even made a huge wall display of it; each making their own cabins and/or lifeboats. Did you know, there were only 20 lifeboats on the real Titanic but it should have had 64?!
The children also took part in a STEM activity to see if they could make a tinfoil boat that floated and could carry coins. We certainly have some budding engineers in our class!
In Health and Wellbeing, we each created our own Colour Monsters to explore feelings and emotions. They’re on display outside our classroom if you’d like to come and meet them.
In RE we listened to and discussed the story of Father Damien who lived with sufferers of leprosy. He was such a kind and inspirational man; he made a real difference to this outcast community.
As part of our topic The Titanic, the children worked in groups to try to put the inventions/events in order. It should give some parents out there a wee chuckle!
The children worked in groups to demonstrate working in canon, mirroring each other and matching.
P5 have been exploring movement: balance, weight through arms, jumping, inversion and rotation.
At the beginning of the year, our P5s worked in groups on 2D Shape.
The first Golden Time in the class saw our pupils working together socially in small groups. We even had a domino rally!
Our class were given potatoes FROM OUR GARDEN!! We made 4 kinds of potato wedges from them and they didn’t last long!
We also hosted a MacMillan Coffee Morning and raised £425! Well done to everyone involved and a huge thank you to everyone who baked, bought or donated – we couldn’t have done it without you.
Going Bananas for Fairtrade
We held an event in Fairtrade Fortnight to raise awareness of Fairtrade. The children had great fun decorating Fairtrade bananas, eating Fairtrade bananas and other healthy snacks at our chocolate fountain stall, baking using Fairtrade products such as Fairtrade sugar and also showing their support of Fairtrade by getting their faces painted with the Fairtrade logo.
Here are some photos from the event which raised more than £500 for Mary’s Meals!
Reflective Friday January 2019 P6/7b
This month in maths we have been focusing on time and learning how to convert 12 hour time into 24 hour time and vice versa. In French we have learned about the weather and colours. On Fridays, Cardinal Newman High School sports leaders have been coming to do P.E. with us and we are now learning skills in either netball, rugby or athletics . Cardinal Newman Science ambassadors have been in class too helping us learn about friction and air resistance.
We also got to question Dawn Childs in a live video conference, Dawn is Group Engineering Director at Merlin Entertainment. This was part of the Primary Engineering Young Leaders Award where we have to interview engineers as part of the award. This also helps us to see the jobs available to us when we are older.
We had super fun when the SSPCA came to visit us with their new robotic animals which we had to build and use code to move them around. We also played board games which helped us learn more about animals.
We have started our natural disasters topic and at present we are all busy making presentations on The Ring of Fire.
In literacy we are still trying out our paired spelling in order to help our spelling skills and have recently looked at the features of a newspaper report.
Our peer mediators did a small role play scenario at assembly to show everyone how it can benefit our school. Our rota is now up and running.
P4/5 Reflective Friday post
We have been given a huge responsibility in our class: a hatchery to take care of and prepare for our new arrivals, the brown trout eggs. We have been working hard to keep the water clean and cold.
However, it’s not all hard work in P4/5. We learned a bit about Robert Burns today as it’s his birthday. We learned what the song Auld Lang Syne is about and we sang it together while joining hands, just like we do at Hogmanay!
November Reflective Friday P6/7b: St.Andrew’s Day
As part of book week Scotland we enjoyed choosing books to read to our friends in Mossend Primary. We had fun deciding whether we could live without music or video games and we wrote a piece of discursive writing to give our views.
We have been working extremely hard on our enterprise projects with Entrepreneur Me. Matt took a lot of persuading to give us our loans to get started.
Our P7s enjoyed a very busy week in Kilbowie making memories which will last forever and learning lots of new skills. Over half of our class were involved in the local heat of the schools Athletics championships at Ravenscraig recently. Our school team finished in first place.
Some of our pupils travelled to St. Gerard’s Primary for netball. Well done St. Gerard’s and thank you for the hospitality.
In R.E we have created posters of Scottish Saints, this has helped us to understand why CNHS has chosen these house names .
We are all looking forward to the Christmas Fayre on Sunday 2nd December. Please come along and buy our Christmas calendars and our key rings.
By Ammaar and Cathal