All posts by Mrs Speirs

P3/4 Reflection

In Primary 3/4 we have been very busy this September. We have been learning lots and been having lots of fun.

In maths we have been learning lots more about addition and now subtraction. Active maths has helped with the sums we find a little bit more difficult.

We all have successfully completed our first report writing piece. It was very ingesting to learn about report writing. We have all created our own report on Mummification, which we hope you will enjoy reading during parents night.

In PE we are coming to the end of Gymnastics, however we are loving musical theatre with Greig. We are in the middle of a dance routine to the Lion King which looks amazing already.

We have now started Roots of Empathy in our class. During this we have a real baby come to visit us with Mrs Le Blond, we get to learn so much from the baby.

October will be another very busy month for us all and Miss Verrecchia has a lot planned with Halloween art etc.

Thank you  for reading.

From Primary 3/4

Primary 3/4

We have all settled into Primary 3/4 really well and are now getting used to our new routines.

We are all very excited about our new topic this term, The Ancient Egyptians. Already we have been researching the pyramids and even built our own 3D pyramid. We loved recreating and designing our own death masks which are displayed on our topic wall.

In literacy we have been revising our phonemes and common words. The reading tent and blow up doughnut has been so much fun, it helps us with our reading.

In maths we have been working hard on revision with place value and addition. The line up game is really helping reinforce this, plus we get to win prizes.

We are all working really hard and excited for what this year is going to bring as Miss Verrecchia has a lot of things planned for us all.

Reflective Friday Primary 3

This month has been very busy for Primary 3.

We really enjoyed Global Play Day and had a great time using our imagination and sharing with our peers.

This month we have said goodbye to Mrs Gardener but we have welcomed Miss Shreenan into our class. Miss Shreenan will be in our class for 6 weeks and we are really enjoying our lessons so far with her.

This month we have been introduced to Developing The Young Workforce programme, where we had to discuss the definition of Aspiration and share our aspiration. We really enjoyed writing about what we would like to be when we grow up.

In numeracy we have been learning more about multiplications and data handling.

In writing we have been working a lot on Acrostic Poems and now working on report writing.

In ICT we can now send, receive and reply back to emails. We have successfully signed into glow and can assess our emails. Next months we are looking at sending attachments and even creating power points.

In our topic Minibeasts, we have been learning more about life cycles and their habitats.

In This Is Our Faith we are preparing for our First Friday mass. This will be our first school mass with the new priest Father Brown, we are excited that our class will be the first to celebrate with Farther Brown.

This month we were learning about Chinese New Year , which is the year of the Pig. We did a lot of research on the history of Chinese New Year and took part in a lot of Art.

We are looking forward to this month a head as it will be another busy month for Primary 3, we have Fair-trade fortnight, World Book Day, Lent and Science week, just to name a few.

Primary 3 Reflective December

During the month of December we have been very busy again . We enjoyed painting our own Christmas plates for the Christmas fayre . We designed and created our own plates, it was so much fun.

This was our very last nativity and what a great show it was. We had been practising our songs so we hope you all enjoyed ‘The Wriggly Nativity’.

Our classroom is all decorated for  Christmas activities. We have created our own Elf, written a letter to Santa and even had an Elf visit us with Santa for our own Christmas party.

We are all looking forward to Christmas and we wish everyone a Happy Holy Christmas from Primary 3.






Primary 3

Primary 3 have been very busy this month and have been doing very exciting things.

We have been on some visits to our local library where we get a story and can even take books home with us. We also had a wonderful visit to Cineworld at Silverburn to see Fantastic Mr Fox.

As part of Book Week Scotland we enjoyed having the pupils of Mossend Primary read to us in the dinner hall.We even created our own imaginative story based on The Magic Pebble.

Miss Gorman has been in our class working with us. We have been learning more about 2D and 3D shapes, subtraction and fractions. In  art we have all become illuststrators which has been so much fun.

We are all so excited for you all to come and watch the P1,P1/2 and P3 “Wriggley Nativity ” which we have been practising VERY hard.

From Primary3

Primary 3

So far in Primary Three we have been continuing to work hard.  This month we have been busy with art making our autumn wreaths and autumn tree paintings.  We are loving our knights and castles topic and we have been studying the  shields and swords that Lucia brought in for us to look at.  We are looking forward to our library visit next month as we all love to read.  We have now moved on to addition in maths. This is more challenging but still good fun.  Every Friday all the Primary Threes work hard to get full marks on their spelling tests.  Our fitness levels have also improved thanks to Ferri Fitness taking us for a session of PE every week.

Primary 3

Welcome to primary three with Miss Verrecchia.  We all have been working very hard so far to learn our new classroom routines.  Our new topic this term is knights and castles which we are all very excited about.  We are all looking forward to reading time because we have a wonderful new reading tent in our classroom.  We are looking forward to updating you with our primary three adventures.

Love primary 3

P6/7b reflective Friday April

We are now a couple of weeks back from the Easter holidays. We all had a really good time and we are now all back to normal.

Some pupils from the P6/7s celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation. This was a  very special night for all of us especially Daniel who joined us from another school. Bishop Toal and Father Grant led us and everybody joined in the hymns and that was really special for us.

Recently the P6s finished Goodnight Mr Tom and some of the P7s finished The Boy In Striped Pyjamas.  We all agree that both books were really good. We also watched the film version of the book. Some of the people had  imagined what the characters would look like so they were able to compare this with the dramatised version.

In maths we have been learning all about fractions and we are now growing in our confidence as to how to understand them fully.

Over all we are excited for our last term and the last one for all the p7s in Holy Family

By Aaron and Ciara and behalf of P6/7b

Primary 6/7B Reflective Friday

Welcome to our class Reflective Friday post.

In Maths, we have been learning about division and remainders in division sums. We have been dividing 4 and 5 digit numbers by 1 digit and we have also learned that remainders are extra numbers to any sum.

Earlier in the week we have also been doing multiplication In preparation for division.

In Literacy, we have been writing diary entries about our topic, WWII. We also have wrote evacuee letters pretending we were the children writing back to our Mothers in London. We have been reading more about our novels The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, and Goodnight Mister Tom.

In RE, We have been learning about the season of Lent and how is it special to us in this time. We also been learning the Seven Sacraments.

In Topic, we have been studying the Blitz and the Clydebank Blitz. As we said we wrote about evacuees and Diary entries. In addition to this, we have been learning about Blackouts and Rationing.

In P.E, we have been working Cardinal Newman High school on Wednesdays, and practising for Athletics, Rugby and Netball for the Commonwealth Games. We have also been doing Gymnastics on our own.

For Art, we have been painting propaganda posters and what they were used for. They look beautiful.


We have also been featured in Mossend Primary’s music video against Sectarianism, working with Nil By Mouth to create it.

We are very excited for next month and what we will learn!

Written by Maia McCabe and Sophie Hendry on behalf of P6/7B.