Welcome to our February update, we have had another very busy quick month due to our long weekend. Here are some things we have been up to in Primary 6 this month.
We have been working hard in maths on money. We have been using our 4 calculations to work out profit and loss, bills, totals, change and even working on budgets. We now are aware of the importance of wants and needs when we are planning our budgets and how important this will be for our future life skills. We will be moving on to measurement next which we are all very excited about.
We have continued to apply our spelling strategies to help us learn our spelling words each week. We have continued with our new novels, applying our reading strategies to gain a greater understanding of the plot, characters and setting. One group is reading Santa Maria by Kenneth Steven and the other group is reading The Eleventh Orphan by Joan Lingard. So far both groups are really enjoying their new novels. We have really enjoyed our instructional writing this month and if you go to twitter you will see pictures of what we have been making.
Health and Wellbeing
We have been working on peer pressure and what effect it can have on our mental health. We are now aware of the importance of good friendships and how others can have good but also bad influences on you. In the month of March we are going to be looking at substance misuse.
We are now looking at Space and focusing on The Solar System. We have already investigated the position and size of each planet. We are now looking at the craters of the moon and the chemicals that help make up each planet.
We learned all about Saint Valentines and gained a deeper understanding of Other World Religions looking particularly at Islam. As we now move into March we are going to be learning all about Lent.
As you can see from Twitter we have been very busy making our cabins at home as part of our home project. We have had the whole school coming up looking at our display and the children all really enjoyed making them. Thank you very much too any parents/ guardians who helped with this home project. We have been really enjoying learning about the disaster that changed the shipping world and how this happened. We have recreated our own boarding passes and even painted our very own portal art which you can see on Twitter.