February saw another busy month of learning in Primary 3.
The children have continued to develop their listening, talking, reading and writing skills and have been reading a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. They have been working on developing their understanding and ability to express this verbally and in their written responses. Children have been learning to use more complex sentences using connectives and have been exploring the genre of explanation writing through their IDL topic, the Romans.
Numeracy and Maths
The children have spent the last few weeks developing their understanding of division, they have used a variety of concrete and pictorial materials to help explore this, such as cubes and counters. They are continuing to work on learning the 2, 5, and 10 X Tables, as well as learning the 3 X table. They are developing an understanding of division as sharing and equal groupings and are familiar in using mathematical vocabulary and notation related to this. Please continue to provide opportunities for children to practice and learn their multiplication facts and relate this understanding of division to their everyday lives.
Children are continuing to learn about the sacrament of reconciliation and their relationship with god and others. They enjoyed a confession retreat in the chapel hall and a special visit to the Church, where Father Brown was happy to discuss all important parts in the Church, such as the Alter, Sanctuary, Pascal Candle, Pulpit, Baptismal Fonts and Confessional boxes. Father Brown also visited the children in the class to answer their questions on the sacrament. The children have also been learning about Lent, and about prayer, fasting and arms giving. Throughout Lent, Mass is celebrated each Monday and Wednesday mornings at 8:15am.
Other Curricular Areas
IDL – The Romans – The children have been learning about the legend of Romulus and Remus and the development of the Roman Empire. They have learned about life as a roman soldier and identify their protective clothing. They have used Lego and Magnetics and Jenga blocks to create structures of famous roman building, such as the colosseum and Roman Forts. They designed and created their own roman shields and will continue to explore this topic through a variety of STEM based learning activities.
HWB/PE – The children are coming to the end of their learning block of gymnastics. In addition to developing their skills in balance, movement and shape, they have demonstrated that they can work together to create a sequence incorporating the above skills. They very much enjoyed being given the opportunity to incorporate some of these skills on the wall bars. Going forward, the children will move on to develop their wall skills. The children have also been learning what it means to be a good friend. They are learning to show respect and kindness in the playground and in the classroom. They are working hard at being responsible citizens and are working within the class and throughout the school at demonstrating our school values of faith, learning, encouragement, and mutual respect.
Homework out on a Monday to be returned completed and signed on a Thursday.
PE Days are Monday and Wednesday. Children should come to school in full school uniform on PE days and bring in their PE kit. This will help to foster their organisational skills.