All posts by Miss Gallagher

Primary 5/6 May Update

Primary 5/6 had another successful month of learning in May.


We worked extremely hard investigating different types of angles. We even learned how to measure and draw angles. We then moved onto learning about money. We learned to add, subtract, multiply and divide money. We used our prior knowledge of our taught strategies to do so. We also practised budgeting our money and exploring profit and loss.



As always, we worked hard at applying our spelling strategies. We are all able to do this independently which is fantastic. We have been working our way through our reading novels (Wonder by RJ Palacio and The Demon Headmaster by Gillian Cross). We have explored and applied different reading strategies to help us understand our novels to a great extent. Furthermore, we have also worked hard in our writing lessons. We have focused on narrative, persuasive and discursive. Some of us have even became Star Writers and we are so proud of ourselves!



We were introduced to our new Enterprise topic when we came back from the Easter holidays. In groups, we have been planning for our Enterprise Day, 17th of June, where we are selling products and services to raise money for Cancer Research UK. Some examples of the products and services we are selling are stickers, face painting and beat the goalie activities.



We were also introduced to our new science topic, Human Biology. We have explored bacteria growing on teeth, the sense of taste, our heart and BPM as well as memory. We are enjoying the practical experiments and investigations that science offers us.



We are exploring kindness during our health and wellbeing lessons. Kindness is one of our school’s core values and it is also a core theme within the Primary 6’s reading novel, Wonder. We have explored what it means to be kind to our self and others, ways we can be kind and the impact kindness has on the world around us.


Keep up to date with our school’s Twitter feed to see pictures of all the wonderful learning.

Primary 5/6 March Update

P5/6 March Update


March was another busy and productive month for Primary 5/6.



We have been working extremely hard learning all about decimal numbers. We have been learning to add, subtract, multiply and divide decimal numbers. We have used our prior knowledge of our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills to do so. We have then moved onto measurement, and we were introduced to converting units of measurements. We will continue with measurement after the Easter holidays.



We have continued to apply our spelling strategies to help us learn our spelling words each week. We took advantage of the great weather one day and created our spelling words on the ground using chalk. We have continued with our novels, applying our reading strategies to gain a greater understanding of the plot, characters, and setting. Once we completed our literacy novels, we explored various non-fiction texts. We have been working extremely hard in our writing lessons, focusing on narrative, information reports and recounts. We have been able to link our topic and science lessons into our writing such as writing excellent recounts from science investigations.



In topic, we explored lots more interesting things about the Romans. We learned the  different ways the Romans travelled throughout the Empire such as boats and ships. Once we investigated the various forms of travel and transport, we used this information to write an information report. We have also looked at other ways that the Romans were skilled engineers such as exploring Roman aqueducts. We even worked in groups to build our very own aqueduct. This task required teamwork, collaboration and problem solving.



We have had lots of fun during science exploring our space topic of the solar system. We explored Jupiter’s Great Red Spot and re-created this storm in a jar. We also enjoyed exploring the different star constellations by creating homemade telescopes to look at the constellations. Our final aspect of our science topic looked at the windiest planet in the solar system, Neptune. We investigated wind by predicting if objects would blow by the force of wind.



We have been exploring the Easter story during March. We have explored the story of The Last Supper and Stations of the Cross.



Keep up to date with the school’s twitter page to see even more photos of all our fantastic learning.

Primary 5/6 Update

We have been working extremely hard learning all about fractions. We have investigated what a fraction is, simplifying fractions, finding equivalent fractions, and calculating fractions of a quantity.


We have continued to apply our spelling strategies to help us learn our spelling words each week. We have continued with our novels, applying our reading strategies to gain a greater understanding of the plot, characters and setting. We really enjoyed making a news report video based on one chapter.



In science, we are investigating all things space! Already this month, we have explored Venus by creating carbon dioxide, investigated impact craters on the moon, and now onto creating the solar system using balloons and paper mache.

We have explored lots of exciting things during topic time. We have created our very own Colosseums and learned all about Gladiator fighting. We then moved onto to learning about Roman Legionaries and the Roman Army. We created our own shields and practised military manoeuvres, just like the Romans did!

Primary 5/6 Update


We started the year revising the four key operations of maths: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. We then moved onto investigating time. We have investigated 12 hour and 24 hour time, time durations and intervals. It would be great to see further practise at home.



We have started our new literacy novels: ‘Matilda’ by Roald Dahl and ‘Fuzzy Mud’ by Louis Sachar. We have been working on our reading comprehensive strategies to enhance our awareness and understanding of the novels. We have also been working extremely hard on developing our fluency skills within our reading groups and partner readings. We had so much fun acting out scenes from chapters of our novels and we look forward to doing more of this as we progress through the chapters. We have been doing great with our spelling, exploring different spelling rules, and developing our skills in applying our spelling strategies.


As the new year brings new beginnings, we have been exploring the Creation story in RE. We have been trying to gain a greater understanding of the importance of all of God’s creatures and as such made bird nests as a way to take care of the birds that God made on the fifth day.



We have started a new topic; The Romans. We had a collaborative class discussion on what we would like to learn within this topic and lots of exciting areas were discussed such as the Roman Army and Empire, the Gladiators, and many others. So far, we have discovered how Rome was founded, investigated members of Roman society, and even built bridges like the Romans.



Expressive Arts

We are focussing on the Andy Warhol movement of Pop Art. So far, we have created colourful doughnuts and we are looking forward to creating even more Pop Art. Within music, we are currently focusing on the different emotions that music can bring out in us.



In PE, we are enjoying practising basketball on a Wednesday and football on a Friday.

Primary 5/6 November Update

Primary 5/6 have had another successful month during November.

We have been working extremely hard in maths developing our multiplication and division skills. We have been learning new strategies and problem-solving skills to solve our  sums. Through our consistent hard work during maths, we are now recognising the correlation between multiplication and division which aids our understanding of these numeracy topics even deeper, and as such, strengthens our skills.

We do a range of active maths exercises to supplement our learning such as Daily 10, multiplication and division bingo, Number Talks, and some others.


We have been showing great progress in literacy. We have been reading our literacy novels, ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar and ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dahl. We have been applying our reading strategies throughout our novels, enabling us to gain a greater understanding of the texts. We have also been practising our oral skills by reading to our groups, in pairs, or to our self. We have also been enjoying watching chunks of both movie adaptions once we successfully complete our tasks.

Furthermore, we are enjoying learning our new spelling words each week. We work hard at learning our new phoneme of the week, spelling rule or common words.


We have been successful learners during our topic time. This month we explored interesting facts about capital cities. We played a Kahoot quiz during ICT time to assess our knowledge and later in the week, had another quiz where we had to press the buzzer to answer the capital city question. We then moved onto investigating foods from around the world and enjoyed tasting French cuisine by munching on crepes, macaroons, and croissants, whilst making our own menus.


We have been confident individuals during PE. We have been practising our striking and fielding skills on a Wednesday when we play Handball.


We have also been responsible citizens by making Christmas crafts to sell to the school on Wednesday, December 1st to raise money for Mary’s Meals.



Primary 5/6 Update

Primary 5/6 have been working extremely hard learning and successfully applying their reading strategies as well as practising their verbal reading skills. Primary 6 are reading Holes by Louis Sachar and Primary 5 are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Primary 5/6 have also been learning and successfully applying their spelling strategies.

In Maths, we have been working very hard learning our addition and subtraction strategies. We have also been learning a ‘times table of the week’ in conjunction with our number strategies. We will be moving on to multiplication and division.

During topic time, Primary 5/6 have been creating a new invention in their groups to combat climate change, in the run up to COP26. We have also incorporated our oceans and continents topic in our expressive arts lessons by creating posters of animals from different continents in their natural habitats as well as learning songs from different continents.

We have been learning about the life of Jesus during RE recently. In particular, we have looked at Jesus the Healer and Jesus the Teacher.

Primary 5/6 have been successful learners and Miss Gallagher is very proud.