All posts by Mrs Cooney-Schoenhofen

P4/5’s Reflective Thursday: December

What a busy month and it hasn’t even finished yet!

We started the month with a trip to the pantomime to see Jack and the Beanstalk. The boys and girls said it was brilliant! They really enjoyed the songs and the acting and had many, many favourite characters including the mum, the giant, MooMoo, Archie, Jack, the princess and Fairy Flora.

The boys are girls also contributed to the impressive grand total raised by the parent council at the Christmas Fayre by making tree decorations in the shape of reindeer faces and snowmen made of marshmallows. Well done everyone!

It was P4/5’s First Friday Mass this month, too, which focused on the season of Advent. The boys and girls did a wonderful job handing out hymn sheets, taking part in the offertory and being on the altar to do readings, bidding prayers and more. Mrs Daisley and Mrs Cooney were immensely proud of everyone who practised for our special mass.

This month we have had a special visitor to the class; one of Santa Claus’ special helpers, Ralph the Elf. He has visited every pupil in P4/5 and has given them all a letter and a chocolate. He had some serious messages for the boys and girls about how to stay on Santa’s Nice list. We all really like Ralph and here are some reasons why: he’s friendly but respectful; makes lots of spelling mistakes; he’s funny, smiley and silly; he makes us laugh and has big ears!

We also had the pleasure of watching the infants’ nativity show. The P4/5s used some excellent adjectives to describe it: nice, cool, good, amazing, brilliant, extraordinary, fabulous… and their favourite characters were the donkey – who was cute – and Nisha the inn keeper who is Zak’s little sister!

The P5s were very lucky and got a chance to go on a wee trip to do Arts and Crafts. They made presents and stable shapes using tiling and mosaics; they sang a silly song called Bubblegum and Fluff and played team games and quizzes. While the P5s were away, the P4s did their own arts and crafts in class, making wreaths and advent candles.

Finally, we enjoyed our Christmas party on Tuesday where we danced in traditional Scottish ceilidh dances and played some party games.

I daresay the boys and girls in P4/5 are now far too tired for Christmas so let’s just skip it this year – give Santa a year off!!

P4/5’s November Reflective Friday Entry

In November, P4/5 did lots of exciting things.

We had a teacher called Miss Grant who was really nice and kind. She came to help Mrs Daisley and Mrs Cooney

We went to the cinema to see Fantastic Mr Fox and it was really exciting. We wrote a recount all about our trip to Cineworld at Silverburn and it was all thanks to Miss McGuire who got us the tickets! Thanks Miss McGuire!

We learned about money and we used real money on Poppy Day! We organised it together with Miss Gallagher and P5/6 and we raised lots of money while having a great time! We enjoyed learning all about Remembrance Day, that it’s been a hundred years since World War 1 ended at 11 o’clock on the 11th day of the 11th month. We also learned that poppies grew in Flanders Field when there was a break in fighting. We found out about the conditions of the soldiers who had to sleep in the trenches in places called dugouts. We learned that they got hardly any sleep, very little food and they were surrounded by barbed wire and sewage. As a result of these conditions, they developed trench foot which is when their toes fell off. Yuck!

Mrs Paterson from Mossend Primary came to read us a story called The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. She’s the head teacher there so we were extremely lucky that she picked our class to read to.

We made firework safety posters and learned that you should never wear gloves while holding a sparkler.

We got a new pupil in our class called Josh. Hi Josh!

We learned all about how to write instructions for things we have made such as poppies and Christmas decorations.