All posts by Mrs Byrne

May Reflective Monday, P2 Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Byrne

 May Reflective Monday, P2 Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Byrne

Maths and Time

P2 really enjoyed  learning about Time with Mr Stewart this month. They worked outdoors, indoors, using stop watches, clocks and lots of different resources to measure time and how long it takes to do lots of different things we take for granted.

The Month of May, Our Lady and First Friday Mass

The children worked hard to prepare for their Our Lady of Fatima First Friday Mass in May.  They were very focussed and prayerful. Mrs Stevenson and I are very proud of them and what they have achieved .

The children also learned, that May us a very special month dedicated to Our Lady.  They learned  about the Hail Mary prayer, how this prayer is an important part of the  Rosary, and  we continued to learn how to pray this together.


Interdisciplinary Learning, – Indoors/Outdoor , Tesco and Farm to Fork

As Part of our Farm to Fork Topic, we had the opportunity to Visit Tesco to learn about where our food comes from before it reaches our plates.  Mr Stuart also arranged for us to have a follow up visit to the class to enable us to learn more about our Topic and we had a terrific learning experience.

(More Pictures to come)

Health and Wellbeing and Health Week

P.E, Outdoors and School Sports Day

As well as many other learning experiences,  P2 were excited about preparing for sports day and really enjoyed this preparation time in the fantastic sunshine we have been having.  They also enjoyed and participated as true sportsmen in their school sports day last week, as they worked very hard and celebrated each others success as well.  So proud of you all P2, well done.   (pics to follow)

Whole School Picnic, Physical and Mental Health

After our fantastic sports day we looked forward to a ‘whole school picnic’ together. We got to sit with all our friends from different classes and brought our special blankets to sit on and  we also made all our own sandwiches/wraps.  P2  made corn wraps with salad chicken and healthy fillings. Some of us hadn’t tried some of the fillings before, e.g. spinach leaves, and different coloured peppers, but everyone had a go at making them and tasting them too.   We all had a successful, memorable  picnic and  had  lots of fun with our friends, eating, laughing and sharing together.  (Pics to follow)

You have worked very hard this month P2 and learned so much during the health week activities.  Fantastic work and so proud of you all.  Well done.

P1/2 Reflective Friday – May Miss McNally

P1/2 have been very busy this month! We have really enjoyed Health week as we had the opportunity to try cheerleading and cricket! We also made sandwiches/rolls for our whole school picnic.

We also had another picnic this month….a teddy bear picnic! This was in aid of St. Andrews hospice and was so much fun.  We also enjoyed a samba drums workshop earlier in the month. In literacy, we are working hard on our sounds, reading and writing and in Numeracy, we are having great fun making different patterns.

P1/2 Make Jelly!

The boys and girls in primary 1/2 have been very busy learning about food and cooking. We have discussed our likes and dislikes when it comes to food, the different tastes and textures of food and  food for special occasions. We decided that jelly can make an excellent  and delicious desert for special occasions and  so, we decided to make it!

Before we began cooking we designed our very own chef hats with our favourite types of food.

Then, we learned about the rules of cooking and how to be safe in the kitchen. Click on the link below to hear some of the P1/2 children explaining our simple guide to staying safe and hygienic when cooking.

If you would like to learn how to cook jelly, then you can listen to our simple instructions….

Part 1:

Part 2: 

I hope you enjoy listening to our audio recordings! There will be pictures to follow….

Miss McNally



P2 March/April Reflection with Mrs Stevenson, Mrs Byrne and Mr Stewart

Primary 2 had lots of  Fun During Science  Week   –                                         Here are some more of there captured moments.

Science Literacy and Maths                                                                                            Making and Melting Frozen Fossils

P2 learned about Making and Defrosting/Melting their Frozen Fossils in school with Mrs Stevenson.  as they approach Science Week.                                                                                                                                  Also we would all like to thank  our busy parents carers and friends who helped the children to prepare part of their experiment at home, enabling them to  bring them into school to use to test out a variety of defrosting/ melting techniques.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Later in the week as part of their ‘Genre Writing’, the children were able to write a ‘Set of Instructions’ (including Resources) on, How to Make Frozen Fossils. This enabled them to demonstrate their understanding and show how successful they had been in their learning, not only in this aspect of Science, but also in showing their understanding of how to write a Set of Instructions.  Great Work P2





Winnie the pooh waterproof experiment   Link


Winnie the Pooh Waterproof Experiment

The Children had some great learning experiences during  Science Week and had lots of fun when parents, family  and friends joined their class to  participate and support them,  in their Water Resistant experiment.   If you’d like to have a go just click on the Green link above.

Exciting Owl Visit                                                                                                                We also had a terrific visit from the Owls and we all got to hold them! It was really exciting


R.E This is our Faith                                                                                                            As we approached the end of Lent and looked forward to Easter Sunday, the children learned about Our Lords Journey, sharing what we have and  contributing to charities and alms giving through fund raising.   The last of these being the  Disco / Dress As A Celebrity Day  and the  H Factor, which the children enjoyed very much.



Celebration!                                                                                                                      We had a very special end to term 2, When a Commemorative mass was celebrated for 150 years of Holy Family Parish Church and School, with Father Grant and Invited guests and past priests of the Parish.                                                                                                                                          As we  learn about Mass, we prepare (through reading, talking and listening,) to participate in our class First Friday Mass, for the month of May, which is a special month dedicated to  Our Lady.




P2 with P1 and P3 had a very enjoyable learning experience when the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (S.P.C.A) visited the school.


Afterwards as part of their writing lesson the children wrote a recount of what they had learned.

P.E.   Gymnastics (Pics to Follow)

P2 enjoyed learning about gymnastics and getting to know and learn about how to use the apparatus safely and carefully.  They enjoyed learning about how their bodies work and develop, as they learn and grow in confidence to enhance and develop their abilities in this area.

Athletics, Mr Stewart, Indoor and Outdoor Learning                                     P2 are enjoying learning about Athletics with Mr Stewart.  They are learning about the different ways the are able to develop, control, and co-ordinate their movements to enhance and refine there motor skills in a fun and exciting way.


Music with a Difference!


Today Monday 30 April, we had a fantastic opportunity to participate in Samba drumming and percussion sessions.  We had great fun and learned a lot about rhythm, different beats and sounds.  Thank you Samba Drumming.

Some of our March/April Star Writers


P2 Having Fun with Science!

During Our Snow Days

A fantastic Igloo was Completed, ready for the Igloo Challenge!


Fantastic work with your family Holy in finding out  all this information :-
How many bricks did it take to build your igloo?                  =   57 Bricks
2.  How long did it take to build?                                                     =   3 Hours     
3.   Can you measure the  temperature on the inside?       =   4  oC
4.  Can you measure the temperature on the outside?      =  -3 oC
5.  Will it be colder /warmer/ just the same inside?             =  Warmer

Excellent work too boys and girls and especially to Holly our Scientific Advisor!

Thank you, for bringing your answers  and presenting all your important information to the class and asking them to ‘Hypothesize’ (make a really good educated guess) what the answers to the questions would be.  Your classmates in  P2 enjoyed it very much!


Great Work!

Instructional Writing   – How to make Frozen Fossils

Star Writers for Thursday 7.3.18

Terrific Work Boys and Girls.

Some More Posts from P2

Keep On Reading!

Glad that you have enjoyed world book day and cant wait to hear all about that terrific book!

Feed the Birds!

Two very thoughtful girls out this morning making sure our wee birdy friends have something to eat.

So delighted that you have not forgotten  the birds in this terribly cold weather girls, very well done, great work…


…Mrs Byrne nearly did forget, but fortunately Mr Byrne Remembered.  We thought you might like to look at our pictures too.

The first one is birds flying down in the snow on Wednesday towards  the path in our back garden, to get their food…

The next one is birdie lunch. Yum!


P2 Some More Fantastic Snow/World Book Day Pictures


We’re enjoying your world book and snow day pics everyone, keep them coming!

Learning electronics and programming with daddy @HolyFamily_PS

Terrific!  You can  be our  ‘More Knowledgeable Other’ in the class for electronics.  “How lucky are we”!

WorldBookDay2018 A focussed boy enjoying his book about football @HolyFamily_PS                               Cant wait to hear all about it!

A very  helpful, and kind boy out clearing the path of his elderly next door neighbours house to help her. Well done, such a gentleman .  @HolyFamily_PS                                                                                   He is indeed!


HolyFamily_PS  reading Chicken Licken and dressed as Mary Poppins #worldbookday a happy  girl is really enjoying World Book Day.



Wow!!  Great Project Managing skills there, definitely.  You and Dad have done a fantastic job.  Well done. Love it!  BUT ARE YOU UP FOR …


I wonder if Dad Mum or one of your family could help you to find out:-

  1. How many bricks did it take to build your igloo?

2.  How long did it take to build?

3.   Can you measure the  temperature on the inside?

4.  Can you measure the temperature on the outside?

5.  Will it be colder /warmer/ just the same inside?

If you can write down what you have found out , then when we all get back to school we can try to find out  what the answers are and you can be our Scientific Adviser as we conduct our investigation.

Don’t worry if You, Dad, Mum and Family  are too busy, but if not that would be great!

See you next Week!

Mrs Stevenson’s children getting into the spirit on World Book Day


Miss Verrecchia’s niece and nephew enjoying dressing up on World Book Day too!

Snow Day2018, Daughter and  Dad having fun making an igloo!Looking like you are going to have a superb project manager on your hands there, Dad!

  A Horrid Henry fan enjoying #WorldBookDay2018 at home this year @HolyFamily_PS Family

Sisters enjoying  # WorldBookDay2018′  in bed and a book about snowing and animals just like their Antarctic animals in class.

  Two Cosy girls enjoying world book day .

At Home  for #WorldBookDay  –  enjoying dressing up and reading her favourite story.

P2 Snow Day Activities and World Book Day

‘Snow Days

Love seeing you having fun practicing your common words in the snow Emily.  Well done.


Mrs Stevenson and I are hoping you are all enjoying your lovely, ‘restful’, unexpected snow days.

We are delighted  that many of you are enjoying using ‘Sumdog’ and ‘Studyladder’, while you are off, as well as  some of the great ideas for learning on the Holy Family Twitter Page suggested by Miss Gallagher and Miss McGuire.      Great Work Boys and Girls.

World Book Day/ Book Report Link

We hope you will all get the chance to  cozy up with a good book too, on this  special World Book Day.

Remember we would love to hear/read all about it.

1.   P2 Book Report 2018 

If you click on the (1st or 2nd Green)  link above or below,  it will bring up a book report sheet that you can print out and write on, to tell us all about the book you are reading.

2.     Book Report C

If you can’t print it out, don’t worry. You could copy one of these, or even make your own.

1.                                                 2.


We’d love to see your pictures!

Remember we love to see pictures of how you are choosing to learn  outdoors (and indoors) and have fun at the same time.  So keep sending them in  to our Holy Family Twitter Page.

For those who don’t have access to twitter, I’ll copy any that come in  and put them on our class Webpage for everyone to see.

You may also be able to attach any photos as a comment/message, in response to this post.

Remember, have fun, stay safe and enjoy your learning boys and girls!

Reflective Friday – February Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Byrne

Literacy – Interdisciplinary and Outdoor Learning

February Star Writers 

Big Garden Birdwatch     –   P 2 Had a great time when they ‘quietly’ ventured out into the Holy Family playground, garden and community park, to find and record the types of bird groups who like to visit, spend time there and use our school to feed.  It was tricky trying to be especially quiet, but they did a wonderful job.

Later during a writing lesson they were able to revisit the experience, discuss it and write about it.                        

Global Big Play Day /Opportunity / Personalisation and Choice 

Primary 2 having a fantastic time as the enjoy the different choices they made during the Global  Big Play….



…and here are some of our Star Writers after they wrote about their wonderful experiences.

  Half Term Holiday                                                                                                          As the children relaxed during the holidays they had lots to talk about and share with each other when they returned to school, so they decided they would like to write about it and share their experiences in their recount of …

…My Holiday

People Place and Environment                                                                                   Cold and Hot Climates                                                                  


Our Shape Penguin                 Arctic Hare Masks


The Life Cycle of the Penguin  and  Our Antarctic Animal Masks


Health and Wellbeing/Cosmic Kids and the Penguin Dance!

The Antarctic                                                                                                                          The children are learning about hot and cold climates and are also enjoying learning about the animals, people who live there and their lifestyles.   At the moment they have been finding out a lot about the Antarctic.  This topic is child led and the children are enjoying leading their learning.  To begin with, the children recorded some of the information that they know about the Antarctic, what they would like to know, and will build a record to finally show what they have learned.

Health and Wellbeing  – A welcome Visit from the Dental Nurse 


P2 were very happy to welcome their Dental  Nurse when she visited the school. Bringing them new toothbrushes and toothpaste, she kindly re-visited all the important points the children should remember as they diligently cleaned their teeth.  The children were able to tell her the best way they should do this and how often, but that importantly, teeth should always be cleaned night and morning to keep them healthy and strong.  Cleaning them after every meal would be even better.    Terrific good listening skills boys and girls.  Keep cleaning those beautiful teeth!

Pyjama and Movie Afternoon                                                                                      As the children of Holy Family and P2 enjoy their Pyjama and Movie day, P2 and their Star Writers  for this week, celebrate their successful Report Writing, about the Life Cycle of the Penguin too.  Great Work P2.


Fun Friday Lenten Fundraiser Events
The Beginning of our Fun Friday Lenten Fundraiser Events, kicked off with Pyjama and Movie Afternoon.  The children had a terrific time and enjoyed relaxing after all their hard work.  What makes it even better, is they get to raise money for their Lenten Charities at the same time.

Thank you sincerely, to all parents, family and friends who are helping to support the children and school as they endeavor to do this.