P1/2a have been extremely busy over the past few weeks.
In literacy, we have finished learning all of our new sounds and common words for the year and have been busy consolidating this knowledge. We have also been doing lots of writing linked to our topic of journeys. We created passports, boarding passes, in-flight menus and stories about exciting journeys.
In numeracy, we have been working hard on our numbers to 20 and have also covered the topic of money. We enjoyed investigating the different types of coins and using money to buy items in our play shop.
As part of HWB, we made sandwiches for our whole school picnic. We have also been talking a lot about our feelings and emotions and have identified the many ways in which we are the same and different from one another. In PE, we really enjoyed our multi-sports sessions which had a big focus on tennis.
We also enjoyed creating paintings inspired by the Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky and have engaged in drama activities based on the story ‘The Magical Toy Box’. We also enjoyed welcoming Snuggles the teddy from St. Andrews hospice into our class and have been busy learning songs about bears to make him feel welcome. We are so looking forward to our Teddy bear walk on Monday!
Our topic this term has been journeys and we have really enjoyed our play sessions based around the airport. We have enjoyed taking on the roles of pilots, flight attendants, security guards and passengers. We have also enjoyed making lego constructions of ships, planes and buses.