P2 Snow Day Activities and World Book Day

‘Snow Days

Love seeing you having fun practicing your common words in the snow Emily.  Well done.


Mrs Stevenson and I are hoping you are all enjoying your lovely, ‘restful’, unexpected snow days.

We are delighted  that many of you are enjoying using ‘Sumdog’ and ‘Studyladder’, while you are off, as well as  some of the great ideas for learning on the Holy Family Twitter Page suggested by Miss Gallagher and Miss McGuire.      Great Work Boys and Girls.

World Book Day/ Book Report Link

We hope you will all get the chance to  cozy up with a good book too, on this  special World Book Day.

Remember we would love to hear/read all about it.

1.   P2 Book Report 2018 

If you click on the (1st or 2nd Green)  link above or below,  it will bring up a book report sheet that you can print out and write on, to tell us all about the book you are reading.

2.     Book Report C

If you can’t print it out, don’t worry. You could copy one of these, or even make your own.

1.                                                 2.


We’d love to see your pictures!

Remember we love to see pictures of how you are choosing to learn  outdoors (and indoors) and have fun at the same time.  So keep sending them in  to our Holy Family Twitter Page.

For those who don’t have access to twitter, I’ll copy any that come in  and put them on our class Webpage for everyone to see.

You may also be able to attach any photos as a comment/message, in response to this post.

Remember, have fun, stay safe and enjoy your learning boys and girls!

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