Homework wk beg 7th October ‘24
Phoneme family ‘ee’ – ee, ea, e, ie, e_e
Spelling rule: soft ‘c’ before ‘e, i, y’
Common words:
cinema mercy
circuit cylinder
circle cyclone
celebration accident
- Reading book – Read aloud and remember all the fluency tips.
- Ask an adult to give you a spelling test with your common words for our spell check on Friday.
- Choose 5 words and write sentences with them. Remember to include capital letter, finger spaces, joining words and full stops.
Phoneme sounds –
ou igh y
Common words – too, school, some, never
- Read reading books aloud with an adult.
- Ask an adult to give you spell check with phoneme words and common words.
- Write some simple sentences. Remember to include capital letter, finger spaces and full stop.
This week let’s continue revising our times tables. Click the links below to play times tables games. Play mixed to practise the tables you already know. Remember, it doesn’t matter which way around the numbers go. So 3×4 is the same as 4×3.
Super Maths Bowling – Multiplication – Mathsframe
Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)