Primary 2 September Update

Primary 2 have had a very busy, but fun, September.

In Maths we have been working very hard on our numbers to 100. We have been thinking about place value, ordering and solving lots of missing number problems.  We have been playing lots of fun games and doing lots of work with partners and in groups to help us with this. We have also been learning about shape. We learned about lots of 3D shapes and enjoyed playing shape games. We also learned to make shape patterns.

In Literacy we have continued to work on more sounds and common words. We are getting very good at following Charlie Checker’s targets and have been trying hard to do our neatest writing this month. This includes forming all our letters properly, fingers spaces and writing on the lines. Each of our reading groups have been working very hard on partner and group reading and our reading skills are constantly improving. Within Writing, we have been using our topic as a stimulus for our narrative and recount work. Our favourite piece of writing has been our story about what we did when we got to be the teacher for a day.

In September we finished off our R.E. topic ‘Beginning of the Year’ and we began our topic ‘Jesus’ Family and Ours’. Within this topic, we thought about the birth of Jesus, and his life when he was young. We have been sharing stories about our own family life also. In addition to these topics, we have been learning about a variety of bible stories. We enjoyed learning about the lost sheep and the prodigal son. We understand that sometimes we, like the sheep, get a bit lost and we make silly choices, but God is happy when we return, and we try to be like Jesus.

In HWB we learned about keeping our bodies clean this month. We learned about how germs spread and we made amazing posters to encourage others to wash their hands.

We love learning about our new topic; People Who Help Us. This month we have learned about doctors and we made our own doctor’s bags. We also learned about the important work that police officers do. We made our own police cars. Finally, we learned about firefighters and how to keep ourselves safe in the event of a fire. We know how to call for help if we ever spot a fire.

Next month we are looking forward to carrying out our solo talks about someone we know who helps people in their job. Mrs Simpson can’t wait to hear all the fabulous information that we have found out. We will also be getting ready for Halloween and having lots of spooky learning.

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