Primary 1 May Update

The month of May has been a busy one in Primary 1, with some lovely days off to recharge and then come back to school ready for our challenges. We have particularly enjoyed spending time with the nursery children who will join Holy Family in August and are looking forward to showing them what it looks like to be a big school boy/girl. We have been excellent role models so far and have had lots of fun playing with the children at the park and in the classroom.


We are working so hard to learn all our phoneme sounds in Primary 1. So far we have learned sh, ch, th, ng, oo, ee, wh, ph, oy, ai and oa. We have been able to find our sounds in stories and recognised them when reading our books. When we are writing our wonderful sentences we are trying hard to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We have learned about joining words and can add and, so, but and because to our great work too. What an achievement! At home we should continue to learn our common words, practise our sounds and reading to help us to keep up this great learning.

Mrs Stevenson has been delighted with the excellent listening and concentrating we have been doing during our literacy tasks. We really have gained some fantastic skills since joining the school. Well done Primary 1!


In Primary 1 we continue to extend our knowledge of numbers and are trying really hard to learn more about numbers beyond 20. Some of our class can even use the 100 square and count with 3-digit numbers. We have been practising adding and subtracting with numbers up to 20/30 and enjoy our daily challenges, like daily 10 and number of the day to help us to learn more. We like to talk about our mental strategies with our classmates and this can help us to share our great ideas and learn more about number.

We have been learning about sharing numbers equally and dividing amounts. Ask us to tell you what half looks, we know it looks like this ½ and can colour half of a shape.

We loved learning about time and are able to read o’clock on digital and analogue clocks. It has been fun learning about time in our daily lives and talking about time during our school day. Some boys and girls can read half past. At home we should keep practising this and if we have one, we could start to wear a watch to help us to learn more about time.

Interdisciplinary Learning

This term our class have been learning all about minibeasts. We have been hunting for minibeasts in the school grounds and have learned song, listened to stories and made mini beast crafts.

We have been visiting the ICT suite on a Thursday and have been learning how to log on to a laptop, navigate websites and use games to help our learning. Primary 1 have some excellent IT skills already and they will be very useful to us as move through the school.

In PE we have been enjoying the wonderful sunshine by getting outdoors and using all our equipment. We know how to use the different balls, racquets, hoops, bean bags safely and like to learn new skills every week.  We have been increasing our fitness to help us during our Sports Day. We enjoyed attending the Nursery Sports Day to cheer on our friends and can’t wait for our turn in a few weeks.

We have been learning how to be safe in the sunshine and all about being safe in and around the water as the summer months approach.

We have been practising all of our prayers in class and our hymn singing has been wonderful. All the children have been really trying to sing out loud during our celebrations of mass. Keep up the great work boys and girls!

As we begin our last month of Primary 1, we are beginning to think about own personal targets for moving forward into Primary 2. We are so excited to be moving to our new class after the big Summer break.

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