Primary 7 – May 2021

Primary 7 have been working hard this month and the children have written their own blag post to share their learning with you.

Literacy by Sophia

This month we are enjoying reading the novel The Eleventh Orphan by Joan Lingard. We are enjoying this book so much and want a chance to read aloud. The book is about an orphan called Elfie who is taken in by Ma and Pa Bigsby. We think there might be a mystery in the story.

In writing we have been learning about the genre of explanation and we wrote an explanation of the Circulatory System.

Numeracy by Ushna

In the morning we have been doing a starter of calculating area. We have also been learning about not only decimals but fractions and percentages! It has been busy but we had fun learning lots of new things in numeracy.

RE by Shannon

In RE we said the Rosary of the 24th of May because the Pope said we should pray for all children and young people of this day. As it is the month of Mary we are making sure that we pray as much as possible. We are working hard as a whole school because we have promised to be a Laudato Si school so we are thinking of ways we can help to make the world a better place.

Learning Across the Curriculum by Ava

Over the month of May we have been learning about the human body. On this topic we have been taught how the circulatory system works. We have also been learning about tonal studies in art. We have drawn eyes and half of a celebrity’s face using tone and shade. This month has been so much fun.

Health Week by Alfie

This week is health week and we have been doing lots of activities. On Monday we had our sports day which included a sprint, egg and spoon race and a three legged race. Today we had the job of tidying the yard. We weeded the garden and planted some onions, peas and beans. We also tried lots of different fruits.



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