Primary 7/6 September Update

It was wonderful to see some parents at meet the teacher and being able to discuss classroom routines, expectations, and learning. We also discussed upcoming events such as preparation of Confirmation which will begin week beginning 2nd of October. As highlighted at meet the teacher, please don’t hesitate the school if you need to speak to me. My door is always welcome.

In maths, we have been practising our estimating and rounding skills with decimal numbers. We have then moved onto practising number processes with decimal numbers and linked this learning to money. This has tied nicely into our classroom economy and understanding the importance of budgeting money.

In literacy, we have been enjoying reading our novel, The Night Bus Hero and engaging well in our read to write tasks. We have been exploring the themes of adventure and homelessness. We have enjoyed creating a marketing plan for Social Bite and are looking forward to their visit next month.

During RE, we have enjoyed investigating the Beatitudes. We have did so through actively living out the Beatitudes which has brought our learning to life.

Just a reminder that our normal PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays but I ask for pupils and parents to be flexible as we have visitors from Active Schools and High Schools throughout the year. As discussed at meet the teacher, I will give as much notice as possible if days change to accommodate these visits.

We have been enjoying our IDL topic, The Titanic. We have explored the design of the ship and then took our knowledge to work in groups and build a 3D replica of the RMS Titanic. We have also enjoyed some STEM experiments such as exploring water displacement as well as investigating the pressure the ship was under when it was filling with water. We have also explored the timeline of key events the night of the disaster and tested our knowledge using

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