Primary 3 August Update

Welcome to our 1st learning update of this academic year.  We have already been very busy learning new routines and settling into our new environment .  Your children have now moved up on to the 1st floor of our building so we have been working on ascending and descending the stairs safely and the children have been encouraged to walk in single file and hold on to the handrail for safety, they are already  showing how well they can listen and follow instructions so it’s a great start!

We have spent time getting to know one another and their new teacher and it has been lovely to see them interacting well and growing old friendships whilst getting busy making new friends too.

We have focussed on revising skills and knowledge taught last year in maths and literacy  whilst remaining focussed on the importance of keeping their emotional and physical well-being at the forefront of all that they do.

Our homework programme begins this week and this will be posted online each Monday for completion by the Friday of each week. There will be a mix on online and written tasks as well as daily reading which I would strongly encourage you all to complete each week with your child.  There is so much to learn and it is essential that we all work together to make sure that your child develops all the skills they need and gains all the knowledge they need to become successful learners and confident individuals.

I look forward to welcoming parents to our upcoming Meet the Teacher event where we will be able to look at the structure of the coming year and  outline expectations and aims for the coming year.

If you have any questions throughout the year then please contact me via email at:

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