Primary 7/6 August Update

Firstly, welcome back to Holy Family Primary School. We hope you have all had a relaxing break and it is lovely to see all your faces once again. Primary 7/6 have had a great time settling back into school routines and seeing all their friends.  Despite being a short month, it has been an exciting time for Primary 7/6!

We have met our Primary One buddies and have engaged in buddy plays which has helped develop relationships as well as settle the Primary Ones into school. Primary Six have also been a great help with the Primary One buddies and will make fantastic buddies next year.

We have started our classroom economy which involves getting paid to do weekly jobs. We can purchase items with the money that we make, such as buying engaging activities in the classroom. These jobs that we are performing each week are giving us responsibility and independence within the classroom and around school.

Furthermore, we have been preparing for our First Friday Mass that we are hosting on Friday, 1st of September.

We have also settled into our literacy tasks such as applying our spelling strategies and being introduced to our new novel, The Night Bus Hero by Onjali Q. Rauf. We are excited to explore our reading strategies to help develop our understanding of this novel.

We have also started place value in numeracy and are excited for trying our best in maths this year.

Finally, we have decided on our first topic which will be The Titanic. We are looking forward to exploring this inter-disciplinary topic and the interesting lessons we will be covering such as exploring buoyancy, engineering, and others.

Please note it is an important year for Primary 7/6 in their academic journey. It is imperative that reading homework, especially, gets completed each week so pupils can perform their read to write tasks in class. Thank you 🙂


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