Primary 4 Update

We have been very busy at the start of this new term.

We have begun a new reward system where we have to get to the top of our chart 3 times to get a reward. Here are some rewards

  • Getting an I-pad
  • Working with a friend in the cloakroom
  • Getting a certificate
  • Sitting at the teacher’s table .

To move up our chart, we need to show

  • Good listening
  • That we are working hard
  • Kindness to other people.


We continue to work hard on our spelling programmes. There’s always spelling homework on our homework tab. Even practising our words out loud can help. We are using Educandy more in class and hopefully at home too. It helps us with our common words.

We have been working on changing our Cosy Corner into a relaxing place to read. We have been to the library to borrow books on the Egyptians, we have recommendations for boys and girls, an author of the month ( Francesca Simon) and even comics. Two groups are working on novels and another on Rapid Readers. We are also looking at a non-fiction book which has some craft ideas for the Egyptians.

Reading our books at home means that we have more time in class to talk about the strategies, characters and plot.

Mrs Gilfedder is working on Instructions and spending time at the end to edit our own, and a partners, work. We can check that everything makes sense, has good spelling and punctuation.


We are finishing up on Division and going to revisit Subtraction as it was the most tricky. With a bit more revision, we should all become more confident. Division is also tricky but we are doing a great job, especially with word problems. Mrs Daisley is delighted!

Mrs Gilfedder has started Money. There is no better way to practise than to use actual money when out shopping.

We will move onto Time soon. We will revise the analogue  clock and 24 hour times. Practising at home will help. This is a great life school for everyone. Try checking when your favourite programmes are on, when you have to leave for school and going to bed.

Health and Wellbeing

We are doing athletics this term. This will hopefully be outside and get us ready for Sports Day. Good listening is very important as it can be very noisy outside.

We are continuing with Roots Of Empathy, where we have learned a lot about looking after small children and how to understand emotions.

Peter Pan

Many of us have signed up for the school show. The practises are going well and we can see some budding stars of the future! What a wonderful chance to shine!

The Egyptians

We read a non fiction book on Tutankhamen, which was so popular that we are going to do a full topic. We will be making lots of things, so we might need help from home. Any books you have at home, we would be delighted to borrow.


We have our retreat this week and hope it will be a fun day for everyone. Then May will be a very busy month, preparing for First Communion.


We are working on editing with Mrs Le Blond and are getting some more sessions with Mr Quinn for coding.

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