Primary 5/6 May Update

Primary 5/6 had another successful month of learning in May.


We worked extremely hard investigating different types of angles. We even learned how to measure and draw angles. We then moved onto learning about money. We learned to add, subtract, multiply and divide money. We used our prior knowledge of our taught strategies to do so. We also practised budgeting our money and exploring profit and loss.



As always, we worked hard at applying our spelling strategies. We are all able to do this independently which is fantastic. We have been working our way through our reading novels (Wonder by RJ Palacio and The Demon Headmaster by Gillian Cross). We have explored and applied different reading strategies to help us understand our novels to a great extent. Furthermore, we have also worked hard in our writing lessons. We have focused on narrative, persuasive and discursive. Some of us have even became Star Writers and we are so proud of ourselves!



We were introduced to our new Enterprise topic when we came back from the Easter holidays. In groups, we have been planning for our Enterprise Day, 17th of June, where we are selling products and services to raise money for Cancer Research UK. Some examples of the products and services we are selling are stickers, face painting and beat the goalie activities.



We were also introduced to our new science topic, Human Biology. We have explored bacteria growing on teeth, the sense of taste, our heart and BPM as well as memory. We are enjoying the practical experiments and investigations that science offers us.



We are exploring kindness during our health and wellbeing lessons. Kindness is one of our school’s core values and it is also a core theme within the Primary 6’s reading novel, Wonder. We have explored what it means to be kind to our self and others, ways we can be kind and the impact kindness has on the world around us.


Keep up to date with our school’s Twitter feed to see pictures of all the wonderful learning.

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