Primary 2 May Update

Primary 2 have had a very exciting month. We have been working very hard and celebrated lots and lots of successes in May.

In maths we have been learning about multiplication and division. We began by making sets of items. We then learned about the multiplication sign and what it means. We are able to solve lots of multiplication problems now. We have also been sharing things equally when learning about division. Here are some of the fun activities that we have been doing to help us to be great learners.

In literacy, we are still working hard on all our sounds and common words. We have been doing lots of work with Mrs Simpson on writing sentences independently. We are getting so good at this. We have been reading lots more reading books and completing lots of activities based on our books. We must remember to read our books every night at home as this will help us lots in school. Some of primary 2 boys and girls have been very lucky and have a Reading Buddy from primary 5/6 who reads our books with us. We really appreciate the help that those kind children give to us.

In May we have been celebrating the Month of Mary. We learned about the Holy Rosary and said lots of prayers to Mary our mother. Primary 2 also lead the First Friday Mass at the beginning of May. We were such a great example to the other boys and girls in the school, and we made Father Brown and all the teachers very proud. Here are some of the children who read aloud and who participated in the offertory during our Mass.

We have been working hard on our Fairyland topic this month. We received a very important letter from Cinderella who had a very important task for us to do. She had lost one of her glass slippers and she asked us to design a new one for her. We all made beautiful creations.

Cinderella was so pleased that she sent some fun tasks for us to complete.

We also helped the sad troll from the Three Billy Goats Gruff story by writing a letter to the king to tell him that the billy goats had tricked him and that he is actually very kind. We made fantastic troll pictures to decorate our class.

Through the story of Little Red Riding Hood we have been learning about Stranger Danger within Health and Wellbeing. During this topic, we identified safer strangers and what we should do if a stranger approached us. We loved playing safer stranger bingo with Miss Goldie.

We have also been learning about our teeth and how to keep them healthy. Our favourite active learning this month has been our karate lesson during Health/Eco week. We learned lots of new skills whilst having lots of fun.

Primary 2 have also been learning about the Platinum Jubilee. We read a lovely book about the queen called There Once Is A Queen and discussed the upcoming celebrations. We researched lots of information about Queen Elizabeth II and we made our own bunting and silhouette collage pictures. Our class looks fit for a royal visit with all our new artwork.

Our favourite part of the month was the cinematic experience organised by Mrs Anderson and primary 7. We had a ball watching our favourite movies and eating lots of snacks. We want to say a huge thank you to primary 7 for our fun afternoon.

We are looking forward to our last month in primary 2 and the adventures we will experience in June. We can’t wait for lots more fun and learning. Please keep an eye on Twitter for regular updates from our class.

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