Primary 5/6 March Update

P5/6 March Update


March was another busy and productive month for Primary 5/6.



We have been working extremely hard learning all about decimal numbers. We have been learning to add, subtract, multiply and divide decimal numbers. We have used our prior knowledge of our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills to do so. We have then moved onto measurement, and we were introduced to converting units of measurements. We will continue with measurement after the Easter holidays.



We have continued to apply our spelling strategies to help us learn our spelling words each week. We took advantage of the great weather one day and created our spelling words on the ground using chalk. We have continued with our novels, applying our reading strategies to gain a greater understanding of the plot, characters, and setting. Once we completed our literacy novels, we explored various non-fiction texts. We have been working extremely hard in our writing lessons, focusing on narrative, information reports and recounts. We have been able to link our topic and science lessons into our writing such as writing excellent recounts from science investigations.



In topic, we explored lots more interesting things about the Romans. We learned the  different ways the Romans travelled throughout the Empire such as boats and ships. Once we investigated the various forms of travel and transport, we used this information to write an information report. We have also looked at other ways that the Romans were skilled engineers such as exploring Roman aqueducts. We even worked in groups to build our very own aqueduct. This task required teamwork, collaboration and problem solving.



We have had lots of fun during science exploring our space topic of the solar system. We explored Jupiter’s Great Red Spot and re-created this storm in a jar. We also enjoyed exploring the different star constellations by creating homemade telescopes to look at the constellations. Our final aspect of our science topic looked at the windiest planet in the solar system, Neptune. We investigated wind by predicting if objects would blow by the force of wind.



We have been exploring the Easter story during March. We have explored the story of The Last Supper and Stations of the Cross.



Keep up to date with the school’s twitter page to see even more photos of all our fantastic learning.

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