Primary 7 February update

Primary 7 have had a great month of February, we started back our sessions with the senior pupils from CNHS on Thursday’s which the primary 7’s really enjoy. This is an important part of our transition time. We have also been working with Science ambassadors and cannot wait for our next visit to CNHS next month.

In literacy we have been continuing our class novels, Goodnight Mister Tom and The Boy in the Striped Pjs. These relate really well to our WW2 topic which we have been working on since the start of January. The children are really knowledgeable in this area and are really enjoying finding out about life during this time in Britain.

In literacy, we have been focusing on money and learning about many of the situations they will face when they are adults. This has been really interesting for the class and they have really focused on this well. Next month we will be starting to look at fractions, decimals and percentages which some of the children are feeling quite nervous about but we will work really hard on this.

We have continued our preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation. The children have been so invested in this and have put in much thought and researching into learning about their chosen Saints. They are so excited to be making this Sacrament next month. If we could continue to practice our knowledge of the responses in Mass this would really help as well as completing our home tasks.

We have lots to look forward to in the month of March. We have another teacher starting with us who will be here before and after the Easter break. We are looking forward to working with Miss Taylor.

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