Primary 2/3 November Update

Welcome to our P2/3 November learning update.

As always, we have been busy learning new concepts in numeracy and literacy and have been busy focussing on COP 26, Book Week Scotland and Anti-Bullying Week.

We researched the issues being discussed during COP 26 and watched Newsround each day to explore the important issues in a way that we could understand.  We created posters during writing time trying to encourage others to take care of our planet.

We were very lucky to each be given a special bag with books  and games to celebrate Book Week Scotland.  We had a very special visit from the children from Primary 6 who came to help us read and play the games in the bag, we loved our visit, thank you Primary 6!

In literacy we have been focussing on improving out writing through our core writing targets.  These include using the correct pencil grip, using capital letters, full stops and question marks.  We have been self assessing our own work so that we can learn from our mistakes and improve our writing.

In maths, we took advantage of learning all about money to tie in with Money Week.  We looked at what we can do with money, what coins and notes we use in the United Kingdom and we spent lots of time making amounts using different coins.  We found working out change from 10p, 20p and 50p quite challenging and we have been asked to try and play at shops at home to help us learn more about money.

One of the main  highlights this month has been that many of us have learned how to tie our shoelaces!  The teacher gave us lacing cards and taught us 2 different ways that we could learn this important skill.

We can’t wait for all of the fun that December brings and are practising for our eagerly anticipated Nativity Play, Wriggly Nativity.  Stay tuned for the very special showing!



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