P1 Working Hard in October. Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Byrne

  1. DAILY ROUTINE                                                                                                          ACTIVE PARTICIPATION AND INTERDISCIPLINARY LEARNING (IDL)

P1 have been working very hard and have settled into their school routine nicely.  Remembering and recognising their name labels, the children  hang up the coats and bags carefully beside them. They have also been learning how to use our Active Registration and Lunch register. The children are becoming really confident and quick to  recognise their own  names and placing them on the  colour of the lunch band, they are going to be using.  They are even recognising some of their friends  names too.   Then when all the children have registered their names on the colour chart, they help their class teacher count the total number of children on red,  green, yellow and blue colours, to give to Mrs Stirling, to help her make the correct amount of dinners.  Fantastic P1!  Well done.



The children are  working hard to  stay focused as they learn about their Initial sounds and how to use them, through active participation.   Using, North Lanarkshire’s Active Literacy Programme. E.g.  Magnetic Board and Letters/ etc.,  as well as Jolly Phonics/Big books/Songs / Interactive  and Animated film clips/White board and Pen/ Cut and Stick activities, etc.,  help the children  to  engage  and  develop their skills through active participation, as they learn about their initial sounds and  common words.  Their reading books also help to reinforce these sounds and common words. The children are also working very hard to  remember to use their good listening skills as well.  Such a lot of learning P1. You are becoming very ‘successful learners’ indeed!


The Children are really enjoying learning about the Days of the Week/Months of the Year, through song and rhyme and also particularly with number, having worked very hard to learn about their numbers from 1-10.  They have been learning about what each number looks like.  How to form it correctly.  What it looks like as a number and a word.  How to make each number with a variety of resources. (cubes/buttons/pencils/rulers/pasta shapes (whatever resources are available.)  What number comes before and after.  As they learn through song/rhyme, active participation and interdisciplinary learning, the children have also been naturally learning about number through real life situations.   As they go about their day, your child  may say to you “Oh thats a 5″.  Or, ‘I can see 2 apples in the bowl’   Or I am using a pink/green/blue/red/orange and yellow pencils to colour my picture .  Thats 6 pencils”  Which is wonderful, as they are applying what they have been learning in the classroom, to real life situations.


The Children have been learning about  their daily prayers. (Morning when they come in.  Before and After Lunch and just before we go home.)  They are learning about being kind and giving thanks for all we have and do.  Also in  October the children have been learning that this is a special month dedicated to Our Lady where we pray and learn about the Rosary.


The children have really enjoyed learning about Autumn and watching out for the different signs of this every day.  They have been able to learn about Autumn through a variety of disciplines e.g.  Maths, (Months and Seasons of the Year,) Literacy, (Spelling /Writing Reading) Expressive Arts Drawing/Art Work/Crafts etc., /Health and Wellbeing (Autumn Walks/Beat the Street).The children have really enjoyed learning about Autumn through a variety of different subject areas and experiences. The  children particularly enjoyed getting ready for Halloween and making lots of different decorations using a variety of media to get their class ready  for their Halloween party.



The children have  really enjoyed learning about Mini-Beasts at home and in school.  Before the children began their new learning, they shard   what they already know.  Then, what they would like to know.  So their Mini-Beast Science topic was Pupil lead.  Then  When they children  have completed their  investigation we  will record what they  have learned from their  investigations.  cant wait!

P1  also noticing signs of Autumn and Mini-beast activity as they have fun with P2 at  our Community Park .

HEALTH AND WELL BEING   (H&WB)                                                                   P.E AND EMOTION WORKS (EMOTIONS/FEELING)

P1 have really enjoyed  P.E. and  have also been very lucky with the weather, as they have been able to have  P.E.  outside in the fresh air most of the time. The children have been learning about rules for Health and Safety, following instructions e.g. Listening carefully and turn taking.  Also  they have been learning about working together as part of a team to achieve a successful outcome.   Fantastic work P1.  We can see you a really working hard to develop these very important skills.


The children have been learning about their emotions through Emotion Works.   At the beginning of our Emotion Works lessons the children love to sing and act out their Emotion Works song. (Ask your child if they can sing a little bit for you. It’s called ‘These are Our Emotions’) They also enjoy learning  through a variety of fun filled activities e.g. animated film clips games song/drama etc..  They  have been learning about ways to identify what they are feeling  and why?  Also they have been learning about  different strategies and ways to deal with this.  They have also   have been learning that sharing  how they  are feeling, with an adult they can trust,  is very important,   As  they  might be able to help them  understand why they  might feel the way they  do and give them the support they need.

Lastly P1 enjoying their very first Halloween party with P2 and P3

Wow ! Can you believe everything you have achieved since starting School in August P1.   Well done.  Mrs Stevenson and I are so very proud of you.

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