Primary 5/6 Update

Primary 5/6 have been working extremely hard learning and successfully applying their reading strategies as well as practising their verbal reading skills. Primary 6 are reading Holes by Louis Sachar and Primary 5 are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Primary 5/6 have also been learning and successfully applying their spelling strategies.

In Maths, we have been working very hard learning our addition and subtraction strategies. We have also been learning a ‘times table of the week’ in conjunction with our number strategies. We will be moving on to multiplication and division.

During topic time, Primary 5/6 have been creating a new invention in their groups to combat climate change, in the run up to COP26. We have also incorporated our oceans and continents topic in our expressive arts lessons by creating posters of animals from different continents in their natural habitats as well as learning songs from different continents.

We have been learning about the life of Jesus during RE recently. In particular, we have looked at Jesus the Healer and Jesus the Teacher.

Primary 5/6 have been successful learners and Miss Gallagher is very proud.

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