Primary 2/3’s Reflective Friday 18th December 2020.

Welcome to Primary 2/3’s final reflective Friday post for 2020.

Well done to all the boys and girls in Primary 2/3 on a successful Term 1 back at school.

The children have had a very different December than usual but as always have risen to the challenges admirably.

The children have managed to achieve excellent progress in Literacy and Numeracy and their ICT skills are developing very well. Today they managed to write and type their very own Elf Riddles inspired by the characters from our novel, The Christmassaurus. This week also saw the end of our Primary 2/3 games which the children have been competing in over the last few weeks. Teams Mario and Yoshi worked together to acquire points for their team. The children enjoyed this very much and learned lots of skills including how to be a supportive and encouraging team member. In the end there was only 1 point in it which saw both teams being awarded a Gold Certificate and medal.

The children have been learning about Advent and preparing for the birth of Jesus, we have been thinking of others and trying to be kind. The children have also demonstrated their artistic and creative talents with all their Christmas arts and crafts.

This month we wish to share our best wishes and love to you all over the holidays, thanking you once again for all your support this term. May you all have a safe, happy and healthy break. I look forward to all the exciting learning opportunities that await us in January.

Merry Christmas from Mrs Preston and Primary 2/3.

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