Book Week Scotland

As part of Book Week Scotland 2020 we are taking part in lots of reading activities to develop a love of reading. We are using the hashtag #readliveimaginesucceed  which was created through a whole school house competition. This winning hashtag was a combination of one word from each house’s best entry so that is 100 golden tokens for each house.

Mrs Hunter from Mossend Primary has also recorded a story telling session just as I have here as we cannot visit each other’s schools in the way we would usually do. Primary 7 have been recording stories for our younger classes and P4/5 have been doing this for the nursery also !

Remember on Friday it is Come To School In Your PJs With A Book Day ! We will be able to curl up with our books and listen to some audio books as well while our younger pupils will receive their gift bags of books from Read Write Count.

Please send photos of you reading at home to the school twitter account using the #readliveimaginesucceed  and lets have some fun with reading this week !!

Click on the following link to listen to Mrs Wilson reading the book East Girl, West Girl.


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