Hello and welcome to our Primary 1 update for this month. Since starting school in August we have worked very hard to learn all of the new routines in the school and classroom. We can unpack and pack our bags and organise our own belongings. Every day we can order our own lunches and are enjoying eating with our friends. We are working hard to learn to zip up and button our own jackets. We have made lots of new friends and are enjoying playing together during our outdoor play.
We have been talking about our feelings and emotions with our teachers and friends. Our Mood Monster wall helps us to name our feelings and we can talk about how to name our emotions. When we feel sad or worried we can feed our worries to ‘Fuzzy Wuzzy’ the Worry Monster and he eats them all up for us! What a great little monster!
In the classroom we have been very busy learning to write our own names and to learn lots of new letters. We now know a, t, s, i, p, n, r, m, d, e. We have been so busy! We can use our magic reading fingers to read sentences and are beginning to build our own sentences. We know that Mr Capital letter should come at the beginning of our sentence, with his friend Mr Full Stop at the end.
We have been learning all about our numbers to 10 and can read, write and order our numbers. When we are counting we like to play games to learn more about before/after and in between numbers. Every day we count aloud with our class and try to beat the teacher! We have a number of the day and this helps us to focus on a different number every day. We like to count when we line up and count forwards and backwards to 20. Every day we practise how to write our numbers and make sure they are facing the correct way.