Friday 20th March

Good morning everyone,

I am thinking about all our families and hope you are all doing ok.  I am going to e-mail all of the P3-7 children on Glow today so that they have my e-mail and can reply to me at any time over the new few weeks with work related questions or simply to say hello and to keep in touch.  If any of the P3-7 children have lost their Glow details or need their password changed etc please  e-mail me at

P1-2 children haven’t been given Glow details as this is not something they use regularly at school and children in these stages wouldn’t be expected to use Glow for e-mail and Powerpoint etc.  If however, you would like Glow details for your P1/2 child please e-mail me.

I know that the P6 and P7 classes have a Team set up which can be accessed through the Microsoft Teams tile on Glow.  This will be a way of staying in touch with their teacher and class.  If your child could check that they are able to access this and send a little test message this would be helpful.

Updates for the whole school will be posted here and on the school Twitter @HolyFamily_PS

As mentioned by Mrs Wilson, please remember that these are suggestions and not all tasks need to be completed. All children have SumDog accounts also and these are good Maths activities suitable for your child’s individual needs,  Sumdog has also opened up access free of charge to other curricular areas.

Please do stay in touch,

Miss Gallagher

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