P7 Reflective Friday- January

This month Primary 7 have been very busy working on their topic, WWII.  We found out that it was the 75th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz Concentration Camp on Monday the 27th of January 2020.

The class were introduced to their new science topic, The Solar System.  We are really excited to have been chosen to host a very special delivery of  moon rocks.  We have applied to NASA to study them in school and we await an inspection visit from a representative from NASA who will decide if we get to hold them for 2 weeks!   This month we have also learned about the order of the solar system and even made a mnemonic so that we remember what planets come first.

Some of our Primary 7 pupils were at a football competition last week and won first place, well done!  Other children were also involved in an inter-schools Netball Tournament which went very well.

In maths we have been looking at division and sharing equally as well as revising 2D and 3D shape, we have been asked to continue this work at home too .

In literacy,  we have also just finished our reading book called Divided City . The theme of this book is sectarianism and follows the story of  two boys who support different football teams but get on very well.  We are looking forward to a joint trip with P7 from Mossend Primary in the near future to build friendships and community with others.

In art,  we have been looking  at the works of the artist Claude Monet and they have ended up looking fabulous.  Hopefully we will be sending out details in the near future about an exciting Art Gallery Project…..watch this space.

And finally, our fantastic Parish Priest Father Brown had an accident recently and has unfortunately broken his leg.  As we missed his company so much, we decided to pay him a visit at home and have a doughnut with him to cheer him up!  Get well soon Father.

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