P1/2 have made a great start to the first term. They have been learning about School Rules and have even created some of their own. They have learned where to hang their coats, put their bag, how to self register for lunch and have found out where many of their other classrooms are throughout the school. However with September’s First Friday Mass coming up, P1/2 paid a visit to the church for the first time as a new P1/2 Class.
R.E. – T.I.O.F. (This is Our Faith)
Here they are getting ready to go on their first visit to Holy Family Parish Church together…
… and here they are inside, learning how to sit and behave respectfully. The children have also been learning about having respect for others, their faith and beliefs and to treat each other with kindness. Saying kind words and using kind hands.
The children are learning to read spell and write, through ‘North Lanarkshire’s Active Literacy Programme’ using lots of their different resources and strategies to help them learn their alphabet, but also to learn what each phonic letter of the alphabet looks and sounds like and how to blend them to make words. The children are also using animated film clips and song to help develop their learning and having a lot of fun (as in Maths) using shaving foam and bubbles etc., to do this!
Numeracy and Maths
The children are learning about number. ( as well as shape) They are developing their knowledge of the ‘ SEAL’ approach to learning and are having fun using these strategies as well as others to develop their learning in a very enjoyable way.
Learning through Free Play and …
…Outdoor Learning
Children, you have really worked hard in your first few weeks in P1/2. Mrs Stevenson and I are so proud of you all. Well done!
well done