Primary 5/6 April / May 2019 Post

As we were off for a lot of April due to our Easter holidays we have made a joint post to share our experiences during the months of April and May as part of our Reflective Friday.

H Factor was enormous fun and gave us a great opportunity to showcase our talents and develop our confidence in performing in front of an audience. There was lots of audience participation as you can see during this performance of Tsunami !


We had great fun making sandwiches using the cress we had grown in class as part of our work about food miles. It also linked well to our health week activities and our Global Picnic ( although it was indoors because of the heavy rain !!!!)


In literacy we have been studying Saving Finnegan and learning about writing for a younger audience. We wrote our stories for P1/2a and then went downstairs to pay them an author visit and read our work aloud to them.

In numeracy we have completed our work on fractions. We have  been learning a lot about money through using coins effectively as well as calculating cost and change.

In Spanish we have been learning outdoors and testing our knowledge through a variety of active games. In this photo we are playing the line up game based on our knowledge of the weather.

One person calls the weather type in Spanish  and the two contestants race to touch it first.

Preparations for the Jungle Book  are going well and many members of our class have been practising with microphones and music. They are really working hard and learning when they come on and off stage as well as memorising all their lines. All of them are staying behind after school a lot. We hope it will be a great success when it takes place in St Gerard’s Primary on the 18th and 19th June. Tickets are now on sale at £4 each.

During health week we had a bouncy inflatable assault course which was great fun but really hard to climb. It was a really busy week with golf, healthy cooking and other different activities. We ended the week with Sports Day which was a bit different as we had to hold it indoors as the weather was terrible. It was still great fun though and we have the P7 sports championship race still to run on the first dry day.

Pfizer, a pharmaceutical company have been coming in to work with us as part of Developing The Young Workforce. They are explaining how many jobs are involved in the creation of a product and the challenges of getting your product just right. It has been great fun so far as you can see.

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