P5/6 Reflective Friday Post March 2019

Welcome to our March Reflective Friday post. We have had an amazing month learning in all curricular areas. Maths has been really interesting as Mrs Cook has been using lots of fun ways to teach us about fractions using number jacks. We have enjoyed our problem solving tasks in our cooperative learning groups on a Friday morning. We have to work as a team to solve the challenge using logic and numeracy. We are learning a lot from the reporting back sessions too.

In literacy we have been studying the short novel “ Cheat “ by Judy Waite and Mrs Wilson has been teaching us about grammar when she is with us on Friday. This month we looked at homonyms and similes. Take a look at the photos we have posted here where we made up our own similes to describe our emotions in a way that was meaningful to us.

We have made our Lenten promises and checked in weekly to support one another in keeping strong.

We had our own fashion show based on recyclable objects which demonstrated our creativity, deepened our understanding of sustainability and showed we have amazing fashion sense !

We have planted seeds to find out which germinate quickly and which take longer despite being exposed to the same conditions. Our cress grew over the weekend so we are going to make sandwiches today to enjoy the fruits of our hard work, zero food miles for this snack !

Our vegetable seeds are coming on well and we will ask Mr Crielly to take care of them during the holidays so that we can plant them out in late April in the school planters and down at the allotment.

We hope to make soup with the vegetables we grow as they will also have zero food miles.

We have enjoyed learning about martial arts in PE too. What a busy month !!

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