This month has been a busy month for P6/7B.
In numeracy we have been learning about speed, time and distance.
In writing we have been working on a news report about an earthquake and became editors for a day.
We loved doing our lemon volcano experiments in science, the class smelled lovely!
After mid-term break we had a two day focus on Developing the Young Workforce and learned a lot about ourselves and choices we have for the future. We watched a video conference with Miriam Christofoletti who is a robotic engineering student…she told us never to give up and not to let anyone steal away our dreams.
In our topic we have been learning about how tectonic plates can cause earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis.
In R.E. we have learned about St. Therese of Liseux and how she did lots of little things with a lot of love.
We learned about Chinese New Year and our art pieces reflected what we had learned. We are now doing pastel drawings of volcanoes.
We also had great fun on Global Play Day; favourites were den building and make-ups.