P1/2 First Reflective Friday of 2019 (Mrs Stevenson/Mrs Byrne/Miss Stevens


P1/2   are back working as hard as ever after their Christmas and  New Year  Holiday. The children enjoyed their first Visit back to the Library and we  were able to walk this time as  it wasn’t quite so blustery as last time. Thank you again for the support of our  Parents/ Grandparents and Carers as their help, enabled us to do this.

The children have also been working hard on their writing and taught writing tasks.  They have  written recounts of  their Holidays, The visit from the S.S.P.C.A,  written Book Reports and have even written  Acrostic Poems for Robert Burns day.  Here are some of our star Writers.  (More to Come)


In Math’s and Numeracy the  children have enjoyed their learning,  particularly through their Math’s Stations, enabling  them to consolidate and develop their learning in a  variety of ways, giving them  personalisation  and choice .


The children have also  continued to work on money and  enjoyed actively participating in their learning through the  stations but also through  song, I.C.T and group work  etc.


Using  ‘Number Talks’ / ‘Seal’  approaches  and  the resources to support and develop the children in their  learning, has also  engaged the children and  enable them to have fun with their learning.


Dental Visits

The children of P1 met the Dentist to have their teeth counted this week and our Dental Nurse was very impressed  when the children of P1/2 demonstrated how efficiently and carefully they  cleaned their teeth, when she came in to visit them on Thursday.



Before  P1/2 begin learning about Gymnastics with Miss Stevens,  their first learning experience has been to revisit their learning about  ‘Safety’ and to put into place their own new safety rules,  (e.g. following instructions, lining up, turn taking,  moving from one piece of apparatus to the other etc.,)  as they actively participate in their Gymnastics lessons.


The children of P1 are really excited about having their on  Special Football Coach, to teach them some of the skills and  different techniques that can enable them to become successful  in this sport.  They had fun playing the games that support the learning of these skills and  they particularly enjoyed putting what  they have learned into practice when they played each other in a game of football at the end of their sessions.



P1/2 also enjoyed exploring  the various tools on Tux Paint as they created Scottish flags for Burns Day with Miss Gallagher.


The children of P 1/2  are really excited about their ‘Dinosaur’ topic and with their teachers  have been discussing ‘What they already know ‘ and ‘What they would like to know’ so that together we can plan their learning .  They have already started to make their Dinosaur Cave and have lots of exciting learning ahead.  Watch this space for new pics!




P1/2 have created terrific firework artwork as the learning about New Year Resolutions and how we celebrate New Year.

They also became inspired by our chilly weather as they designed their own fantastic snowmen pictures.

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