Reflective Friday Primary 5/6

What a busy New Year we have had in Primary 5/6 and we actually surprised ourselves with how much we have achieved in this short space of time.  We created a list but are only going to share a few things as we don’t like to show off!

Our new IDL topic is Global Goals which we had little knowledge of but after some research time we know that there are 17 goals and we will study each one.  We created posters to highlight the importance of each goal.

In literacy we all have new reading books/novels and we are developing our reading strategies.  One novel is called ‘Tilly and the Badgers’ and we are learning about badger baiting.  This has given a great opportunity to talk about the facts and opinions of the subject.

We started our year in Health and Wellbeing and Thinking Circles looking at what we are thankful for and what we should aim to do more of.  It was a great dusting of our minds and promoted meaningful growth mind set.

As we are a composite class our P6 peers have been able to share their experience of Cardinal Newman transition.  They love the Science Ambassadors and the Sports Champions and we enjoy hearing about the learning.  We are fortunate their learning on friction has enhanced our science topic on floating and sinking although we do have an idea for a home project so be aware parents and carers!

The best fun is martial arts every Tuesday were Kasia puts everyone through their paces and we all need to keep our guard up.  She promotes active fitness and skill in a specialised area. We laugh at Mrs Gardner as she tries our lessons out on her family but we really enjoy Magic Mixer.  It has improved our thinking in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division but we time it so it is quite competitive.

Most of all we have aimed to improve our classroom environment and routine to ensure we have variety.  We hope you liked our twitter picture of a ‘Starry Night’ by Vincent Van Gogh.


Happy Robert Burns Day one and all!




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