Reflective Friday January 2019 P6/7b

This month in maths we have been focusing on time and learning how to convert 12 hour time into 24 hour time and vice versa. In French we have learned about the weather and colours.  On Fridays, Cardinal Newman High School sports leaders have been coming to do P.E. with us and we are now learning skills in either netball, rugby or athletics . Cardinal Newman Science ambassadors have been in class too helping us learn about friction and air resistance.

We also got to question Dawn Childs in a live video conference, Dawn is Group Engineering Director at Merlin Entertainment. This was part of the Primary Engineering Young Leaders Award where we have to interview engineers as part of the award. This also helps us to see the jobs available to us when we are older.

We had super fun when the SSPCA came to visit us with their new robotic animals which we had to build and use code to move them around. We also played board games which helped us learn more about animals.

We have started our natural disasters topic and at present we are all busy making presentations on The Ring of Fire.

In literacy we are still trying out our paired spelling in order to help our spelling skills and have recently looked at the features of a newspaper report.

Our peer mediators did a small role play scenario at assembly to show everyone how it can benefit our school. Our rota is now up and running.


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