P1 have had a fantastic December. We worked so hard on our Nativity play and really enjoyed performing for all the mums and dads. We also really enjoyed our Christmas party where we did lots of Scottish dancing, had yummy treats and were even visited by Santa and his elf!
We also had a visit from one of Santa’s helpers, Elfie. He came to check that all the boys and girls were behaving in class and gave us presents of new books to read. Each day we opened a new present and enjoyed reading the book together.
We also went on a trip to the pantomime where we saw Jack and the Beanstalk. This was great fun. In literacy, we have finished learning all our initial sounds. In maths, we know our numbers to ten and have been working hard on 2D shapes. In Science, we have been learning about the season of winter and the North Pole. In HWB, we made fruit kebabs and discussed the different tastes and textures of the different foods.
P1 would like to wish everyone a very happy and holy Christmas.