Primary 3

Primary 3 have been very busy this month and have been doing very exciting things.

We have been on some visits to our local library where we get a story and can even take books home with us. We also had a wonderful visit to Cineworld at Silverburn to see Fantastic Mr Fox.

As part of Book Week Scotland we enjoyed having the pupils of Mossend Primary read to us in the dinner hall.We even created our own imaginative story based on The Magic Pebble.

Miss Gorman has been in our class working with us. We have been learning more about 2D and 3D shapes, subtraction and fractions. InĀ  art we have all become illuststrators which has been so much fun.

We are all so excited for you all to come and watch the P1,P1/2 and P3 “Wriggley Nativity ” which we have been practising VERY hard.

From Primary3

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