October Learning in P6/7b


This month in music we have been learning how to read music and learning songs such as Shoutgun, Babyshark, Indian music, Faces and Ghostbusters.

We have been working with  Mossend Primary and Nil by Mouth to spread awareness of sectarianism and racism.

In science we talked to two engineers Sunita Williams and Vincent Giampietro. We talked to Sunita about space as she’s an astronaut. Vincent was talking to us about brain cells and your mind he is a biomedical scientist.

In maths we have been learning about mental maths and we have been also doing the 6,7,8 and 9 time tables.  We have done adding decimals to two decimal places.

In literacy we wrote a story about our monsters we created and wrote a persuasive letter to Mrs Wilson or Mrs  Le Blond. P7 wrote to Mrs Leblond for the role of peer mediator and P6 wrote to Mrs Wilson to get buses to go to the Forth Bridge.

We are looking forward for our PE session with Cardinal Newman today after break.

The transport police came in to help us learn how to stay safe around railways.

We began our Relax Kids sessions with Anne it was great fun.

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