P1/2 Working hard in September. Mrs Stevenson/Mrs Byrne

Health and Wellbeing (H&WB)   –  SAFE                                                   Keeping our Bodies Fit and Healthy

P1/2 learning from Nurse Cathy how to keep their mouth, teeth and gums healthy.

Outdoor learning maths and P.E.

P1/2 Enjoying  P.E. together as they learn how to use space safely by listening carefully and following instructions to help control movements.
Maths and  2D and 3D Shapes                                                                                                     P1/2 Using their fine  motor skills to help identify different  kinds of 2 D and 3D shapes.

People Who Help Us

P1/2 Actively searching and displaying the information they found about people who help us.

R.E .  –  This Is Our Faith

P1/2 Learning from their classmates  about Our Faith, Making   Sacrifices, Showing Kindness and Helping Others.

Science  – Senses

P1/2 having fun Learning about our ‘Senses’ indoors and outdoors, during our Senses Hunt! They also enjoyed sharing the information they had found.

Some of this months fantastic Star Writers (more pics to come)

P1/2 you have really worked very hard in September this is a  great effort, keep this up. Mrs Stevenson and  I are so proud of you.  Well done.

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