May Reflective Monday, P2 Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Byrne

 May Reflective Monday, P2 Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Byrne

Maths and Time

P2 really enjoyed  learning about Time with Mr Stewart this month. They worked outdoors, indoors, using stop watches, clocks and lots of different resources to measure time and how long it takes to do lots of different things we take for granted.

The Month of May, Our Lady and First Friday Mass

The children worked hard to prepare for their Our Lady of Fatima First Friday Mass in May.  They were very focussed and prayerful. Mrs Stevenson and I are very proud of them and what they have achieved .

The children also learned, that May us a very special month dedicated to Our Lady.  They learned  about the Hail Mary prayer, how this prayer is an important part of the  Rosary, and  we continued to learn how to pray this together.


Interdisciplinary Learning, – Indoors/Outdoor , Tesco and Farm to Fork

As Part of our Farm to Fork Topic, we had the opportunity to Visit Tesco to learn about where our food comes from before it reaches our plates.  Mr Stuart also arranged for us to have a follow up visit to the class to enable us to learn more about our Topic and we had a terrific learning experience.

(More Pictures to come)

Health and Wellbeing and Health Week

P.E, Outdoors and School Sports Day

As well as many other learning experiences,  P2 were excited about preparing for sports day and really enjoyed this preparation time in the fantastic sunshine we have been having.  They also enjoyed and participated as true sportsmen in their school sports day last week, as they worked very hard and celebrated each others success as well.  So proud of you all P2, well done.   (pics to follow)

Whole School Picnic, Physical and Mental Health

After our fantastic sports day we looked forward to a ‘whole school picnic’ together. We got to sit with all our friends from different classes and brought our special blankets to sit on and  we also made all our own sandwiches/wraps.  P2  made corn wraps with salad chicken and healthy fillings. Some of us hadn’t tried some of the fillings before, e.g. spinach leaves, and different coloured peppers, but everyone had a go at making them and tasting them too.   We all had a successful, memorable  picnic and  had  lots of fun with our friends, eating, laughing and sharing together.  (Pics to follow)

You have worked very hard this month P2 and learned so much during the health week activities.  Fantastic work and so proud of you all.  Well done.

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