P4’s Reflective Friday – April 2018

Primary 4 have been busy this month working to improve their numeracy and literacy skills as well as doing brand new things like attempting their very own geodesic domes made from toothpicks and sweets!
























































We learned that triangles are stronger than square structures. Geodesic domes are made of lots and lots of triangles all next to each other. We all worked hard together to try to make miniature versions of geodesic domes. We felt very proud when we achieved part of it. It was very tricky!



Sian visited us and told us that if there’s a wild animal, you shouldn’t touch it as it might get more stressed. Instead, you should phone the SSPCA on 03000 999 999

She told us that you should never ever leave a dog in a hot car because, sadly, it could overheat and become very ill or even die.

Sian told us all about her job. She showed us a couple of videos about the Scottish SPCA and about owlets (baby owls)


In Writing we continued a story after hearing just the first couple of pages. That book was… George’s Marvellous Medicine! We all had great ideas about what mischief George might get up to and we had to conclude the story by putting things right again. In some stories he turned his gran into a monster; in others he body-swapped with her… We let our imaginations run wild!


In Health and Wellbeing and RME, we have been learning about what makes us unique. We’ve been thinking about our personal qualities and what makes us us. It’s great to see all the boys and girls recognise their characteristics and traits (even if some are not great traits to have, like being moody or always late for things!) and soon we’ll be looking at our talents.


In Religious Education, we learned that in Islam, Muslims have 99 different names for Allah, which all describe different traits and characteristics or different titles and roles, for example The Truth, The All-Seeing, The Gentle, The Just…

We realised that Christians, too, have many different names for God. We used our knowledge of prayers to find some: Our Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit (the holy trinity), the Lord, the Almighty…



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