Holy Family Primary School Closure 2.3.18 Mrs Wilson

Good morning boys and girls !

What a strange week it has been and what a pity we have not been together to celebrate World Book Day 2018, First Friday Mass, our Fairtrade Coffee Morning and House Quiz.

It has been fantastic to see how you have been following the ideas posted on the website and twitter to keep progressing your learning although your teachers are not with you to teach you directly and I am very proud of your imagination and creativity.

The teachers and I have all been working really hard too as we still have access to our emails and glow. I have now transferred all of my desktop work onto glow one drive and hope that Miss Gallagher will be impressed by my ICT skills !

I have followed the advice on twitter and remembered to feed the wildlife in my garden too although I don’t think they liked the over ripe pears I gave them very much !


I am going to work on my fairtrade assembly for Monday today and start looking at our classes for next year as well as reviewing our school improvement plan. While I am doing that I am hoping that my daughter can  practise her soup making skills !

This is what my street looked like last night after the gritters had been round so I am really glad NLC made the decision for us all to stay safe indoors and keep the roads clear for our emergency workers


Enjoy your last snow day everyone and I look forward to giving out lots of golden tokens on Monday for all the hard work you have done at home.Plesae look at the Fairtrade website if you can and make a poster using the Fairtrade logo to help spread the message.

Here’s hoping the school doesn’t look like this by Monday morning !

3 thoughts on “Holy Family Primary School Closure 2.3.18 Mrs Wilson”

  1. Oh I am very impressed Mrs Wilson! I am sure our upper school children will be too as they have been learning to use One Drive recently.

  2. I am forward to seeing all of my friends and all the teachers. I have been out in the snow and measuring it but today I have brownies. I can’t wait to see u all on Monday bye 🙂

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