Reflective Friday – February Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Byrne

Literacy – Interdisciplinary and Outdoor Learning

February Star Writers 

Big Garden Birdwatch     –   P 2 Had a great time when they ‘quietly’ ventured out into the Holy Family playground, garden and community park, to find and record the types of bird groups who like to visit, spend time there and use our school to feed.  It was tricky trying to be especially quiet, but they did a wonderful job.

Later during a writing lesson they were able to revisit the experience, discuss it and write about it.                        

Global Big Play Day /Opportunity / Personalisation and Choice 

Primary 2 having a fantastic time as the enjoy the different choices they made during the Global  Big Play….



…and here are some of our Star Writers after they wrote about their wonderful experiences.

  Half Term Holiday                                                                                                          As the children relaxed during the holidays they had lots to talk about and share with each other when they returned to school, so they decided they would like to write about it and share their experiences in their recount of …

…My Holiday

People Place and Environment                                                                                   Cold and Hot Climates                                                                  


Our Shape Penguin                 Arctic Hare Masks


The Life Cycle of the Penguin  and  Our Antarctic Animal Masks


Health and Wellbeing/Cosmic Kids and the Penguin Dance!

The Antarctic                                                                                                                          The children are learning about hot and cold climates and are also enjoying learning about the animals, people who live there and their lifestyles.   At the moment they have been finding out a lot about the Antarctic.  This topic is child led and the children are enjoying leading their learning.  To begin with, the children recorded some of the information that they know about the Antarctic, what they would like to know, and will build a record to finally show what they have learned.

Health and Wellbeing  – A welcome Visit from the Dental Nurse 


P2 were very happy to welcome their Dental  Nurse when she visited the school. Bringing them new toothbrushes and toothpaste, she kindly re-visited all the important points the children should remember as they diligently cleaned their teeth.  The children were able to tell her the best way they should do this and how often, but that importantly, teeth should always be cleaned night and morning to keep them healthy and strong.  Cleaning them after every meal would be even better.    Terrific good listening skills boys and girls.  Keep cleaning those beautiful teeth!

Pyjama and Movie Afternoon                                                                                      As the children of Holy Family and P2 enjoy their Pyjama and Movie day, P2 and their Star Writers  for this week, celebrate their successful Report Writing, about the Life Cycle of the Penguin too.  Great Work P2.


Fun Friday Lenten Fundraiser Events
The Beginning of our Fun Friday Lenten Fundraiser Events, kicked off with Pyjama and Movie Afternoon.  The children had a terrific time and enjoyed relaxing after all their hard work.  What makes it even better, is they get to raise money for their Lenten Charities at the same time.

Thank you sincerely, to all parents, family and friends who are helping to support the children and school as they endeavor to do this.

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