1ST Reflective Friday of 2018 Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Byrne

RERC – THIS IS OUR FAITH                                                                                            As we Leave Christmas and January behind, Primary 2 have been looking at and learning about Jesus Family and Ours, Ordinary Time (Green) in the  Liturgical Calendar  and Liturgical Colours. (Green/Purple/Red/Pink/White-Gold)  As we approach February, an early Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent (Liturgical Colour Purple) on the 14th February, the children will be learning about  Lent, Alms Giving, Making Sacrifices and Thinking about and Caring for others as we approach this  special prayerful time we give to God.

LITERACY                                                                                                                                  P2’s first Star Writers of 2018 with their wonderful ‘Recount’ of Christmas Morning, and…


With some beautifully written thank you ‘Letters’ to Santa for their Special Christmas  gifts.

Numeracy and  ICT – Money, 2 Times Table and Sumdog!



The children have been enjoying using ICT to help actively participate in their learning.   Here are some of the children in the ICT suite working with money, learning about their 2 times table through song and interactive games and in particular at the moment they are  enjoying getting to know ‘Sumdog’ and have had fun using this site  to find out what they know, as well as helping the children to develop their new learning in school and  at home as well.

People Past Events and Society / Art /Literacy                                                   Scotland – Robert Burns                                                                                                  As the children learned about their Scottish Heritage and Robert Burns with Mrs Stevenson , here they  are as they design and make new kilts for him using a variety of colours and media.




Here are some of their fantastic designs.  “I’m sure Robert Burns would be delighted P2.”   Great Work!

Writing and  Co-operative  Learning and Robert Burns



Here, the children are working and supporting each other, as each person in each group  individually takes turns, to write down a word that begins with their groups letters:   R. O. B. E. R. T.   B.U.R.N.S.

This gave the class a selection of words that could help them begin each line of their Robert Burns, Acrostic Poem.

The children enjoyed this very much and worked very hard on their poems.

Here are this weeks Star Writers With their Acrostic Poems. Great Work Boys and Girls.

Art – Snow and Pointillism


Above our Star Writers in the same picture, you will notice some more of our children’s fantastic artwork as they learned about ‘Pointillism’ with Mrs Stevenson .  These beautiful snowmen were inspired by the real ones they made with Mrs Stevenson as they enjoyed the snow last Wednesday.

Health and Wellbeing – ‘SHANARRI  Wheel Indicator’  –  Active


P.E – Football Coaching

This is the 2nd Week of football coaching and some of the children are enjoying it more than they imagined they would.  Here they are having fun learning and developing some of the techniques they require to control the ball as they progress in their ability and knowledge of the game.



Great Work P2.  You have worked hard this month a wonderful start to 2018. Well done!

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