P4 Helpful Herbs

Primary 4 smelled and tasted some fabulous herbs in the classroom. We found out that Rosemary was useful during plague times to get rid of bad smells. We also found out that Chives were used in China as far back as 300BC and were used to make antidotes for poisons. Did you know that Mint is an invasive herb? This means that it takes over other herbs and plants, so it is best to put it in a pot instead of the garden.

Our class went out into the garden and started decorating plant pots in which we planted herb seeds. Some of us chose to plant Dill, Parsley, Basil, Coriander and Tarragon.

At the end we got a stick and wrote our name and what herb plant we planted and stuck it in the pot. Hopefully, they’ll grow into herb plants and we look forward to using them in our recipes.


P7 KIlbowie Information Evening for Parents and Pupils

This event will be led by P7 pupils in the school hall from 6-7pm on 16 June. It will follow a Q/A format.

To make this event responsive to your needs, could P6 pupils and parents post any questions you have about Kilbowie below by Monday 8 June?

All questions will be answered at the information evening.

P7 Kilbowie Info Evening Letter to Parents 26 May 2015

P7 KIlbowie Residential Visit 2015/2016

Our visit to Kilbowie next session will take place from 2 – 6 November 2015. An information pack was issued to all Parents/Carers on Thursday 21 May. 2015

An Information Evening for Parents and Pupils will take place in the school hall on Tuesday 16 June from 6-7pm. This event will be led by our current P7 pupils. Further information will be issued shortly.

Please click on the links below to view the information pack. A payment card has been issued if you want to spread the cost over several instalments.

Kilbowie 2015-16 Info for Parents and Pupils Booklet

Kilbowie 2015-16 Consent Form Admin Medicines Booklet

Kilbowie 2015-16 Payment Card

P4 and P4/5 Quail Chicks

February 2015

During our Biodiversity topic in term 3, we took responsibility for the incubation of 40 Quail chick eggs. We learned all about the process of development taking place inside an egg and shared our research with other classes in the school. Everyone in the school was really excited when hatch day finally arrived!




P4 Trip to Dumfries House

We went to Dumfries House for our class trip this session. We used our Biodiversity knowledge to find out more about how to encourage helpful insects into our own gardens. We created “Bug Houses” from plant pots, newspaper and straw and took them home to put into our own outdoor areas. We all had lots of fun both indoors and outdoors!

P5 Visit Dumfries House




Primary 5 had a really great day when we visited Dumfries House. Although it was chilly, the children were motivated and keen to get involved. The children made their own compost and worked great as a team. The children also enjoyed a vegetable hunt and worked with their partner to investigate how different vegetables grow. The children enjoyed digging up some vegetables and found some unusual shaped carrots and turnips. Everyone then went a lovely country walk to the park and had great fun. Lots of great learning went on and the children behaved so well. Well done!

P5 Measuring Angles


In room 13 Primary 5 have been learning all about angles. This week we used a protractor to help measure different angles. We measured right, acute and obtuse angles. Children who felt confident were able to help and support other children during the lesson. It was lovely to see other children giving advice and demonstrating how to use the protractor properly. Well done P5!

Primary 2/3 Parents’ Open Event

Primary 2/3 welcomed their visitors today and they were excited to share their learning.  We have been learning about what a plant needs to grow and we have been demonstrating this by taking care of the beans we planted.



We were learning indoors and outdoors today as groups of children and their visitors explored our amazing sensory garden.  One of the tasks was to use your senses to record what they could see, hear, touch and smell in the garden.  Another task was to search for shapes in the garden.  Back in the classroom we were making our own plant pots from newspaper.  It was tricky but fun!  We then planted a sunflower seed in this.  We enjoyed looking at sunflowers and drawing the beautiful flower.  We have some great artists in P2/3.  It is great to look after our environment so we also reused materials to make a ‘rot pot’ otherwise known as a compost bottle.  We showed our knowledge of looking after a plant by sorting words into two columns, what a plant needs and parts of a plant.

Some of our visitors also shared their knowledge with us about planting and where the sunflowers came from.  Do you know?

IMG_1475   IMG_1477


We hope you enjoy looking at some of our picture and reading the comments that the children shared after the event.

IMG_1479“It was fun to go outside to look for things in the garden.  When I came back in I planted a sunflower seed.” Chloe

“I enjoyed doing the cut and stick with my mum.  It was good having her to help me.”  Rocco

“I liked it when Danielle came in to help me and Cole make the compost bottle.” Caolan

IMG_1463        IMG_1472“I like picking the grass for the compost bottle and that my gran came in to help me.” James

“My favourite activity was drawing the sunflower because I like drawing.  I was happy to see my gran.”  Katie

“I liked the cutting out the words and putting them on the sheet.” Aaron

IMG_1484“I liked making the compost bottle with my mum.  We worked together and poured the water in.  I liked making my own pot too.” Sienna

“I went out into the garden looking for things with my family.  My mum was frightened when she saw the spiders.”  Emma

IMG_1459 “I was happy that my mum and my wee brother came.  I liked making the compost bottle.  Alisha

“I went outside with Mrs Ewart and I saw a slug.  It was moving really slow next to the yellow plant.”  Gerrard

“I liked my mum coming to help me do my work.  We cut the grass in the garden.  I gave my mum an invitation to come.” Aiden

IMG_1461“I counted lots of squares outside.  I found 65.  I saw rectangles, the flower beds and the drain.  There was a slug and two spiders.”  Jack

“I liked today because my mummy came and my wee sister.  We went outside to cut the grass for the compost bottles.” Bekah

“I was happy because my mum came to help me.  The compost bottle was fun and I liked spraying the water into it.  I liked planting the seed and can’t wait to take it home.”  Cole



Where you a visitor in our classroom today?

Why don’t you tell us what you enjoyed?





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