P4 and P4/5 Quail Chicks

February 2015

During our Biodiversity topic in term 3, we took responsibility for the incubation of 40 Quail chick eggs. We learned all about the process of development taking place inside an egg and shared our research with other classes in the school. Everyone in the school was really excited when hatch day finally arrived!




6 thoughts on “P4 and P4/5 Quail Chicks”

  1. This was a great project that got everyone talking about the quail eggs and which egg was going to hatch next. I wonder how big they are now?

  2. What a great job you did P4 and P4/5 raising those little quails. One hatched on my birthday and you all made my day by calling it Donald after me. They were so cute. Thank you for letting the nursery join in all the learning. Our nursery children loved visiting them and watching them develop.

  3. I had a really really good time with the quails and was very sad to see them go. I still miss them.

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