Category Archives: Social Studies

Evacuee Letters

Primary 5 enjoyed writing letters as though they were an evacuee during World War II. The children used their learning from our Rememberance Day mini topic to write their letters. We tea stained some paper to make it look older and wrote our letters including information about; the journey to rural areas, what happened once we had arrived, what our billet families were like and jobs we did to help our families. Here are some sentences from the children’s work. Well done, all your letters are fantastic!

Cameron wrote- ‘When we arrived at the town hall we all got lined up. I was the last one to be picked.’

Chloe wrote- ‘The train journey was awful and I felt sick. My head was aching. I tried to get to the toilet but I couldn’t because the train was so crowded.’

Callum wrote- ‘I was so sad to go away from you and dad but it is so fun seeing a lot of strange things and funny animals. There is also a lot of land and grass.’

Taylor wrote- ‘The chickens escaped and I had to chase them. After that, we picked berries to make a pie that was yummy.’

Primary Six Remembrance Day

Primary six marked Remembrance Day with a very dignified two minutes silence.  They  carried out a variety of tasks to enhance their knowledge of the effects war can have on the home life of children.  Pupils researched what life was like for evacuees and the evacuation process, what happened during air raids and made keynote presentations and dioramas of all their findings.




Remembrance Day

'Lest We Forget'
‘Lest We Forget’

We wrote a variety of different kinds of poems and prose to mark the occasion of Remembrance Day. Acrostic poems were very popular and this is one of the displays of them  in Room 12.

The poems were very moving and respectful and the children should be commended for their efforts.

Before we produced our own pieces of writing we did a lot of research on our i-pads. We came across some wonderful poems written by other children, all over the world, on the subject of Remembrance or Armistice Day.

We loved the poem ‘In Flanders Field’ by John McCrae and have kept a copy of it on the wall in Room 12.

P2 and Remembrance Day 2015

Over the past few days, the boys and girls have been learning a bit about Remembrance Day.

“I know the fighting happened in Flanders Field” – David Young

“I learned that we wear a poppy because they grew in the place where a war was” – Stephanie Gibb

“There were bombs and it was Germany we were fighting in the first war” – Andrew Armour

They created a fantastic display to showcase all their hard work.

Primary 2 also created fantastic acrostic poems using the word “REMEMBER” as a stimulus.

The children made personal message poppies to thank the soldiers and servicemen who gave up their lives for their country.

Remembrance Day

Primary 5 enjoyed working in groups to draw a poppy and fill it with written information about Remembrance Day. They already knew lots of facts and enjoyed sharing personal stories of the war. Our class iPads helped us to research different facts. We are looking forward to beginning our research about evacuees in the war as part of our Remembrance Day topic.

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P6/7 World War 2 mini topic

P6/7 have been learning all about World War 2 as part of a mini topic this term.  Today we were finding out what evacuation was like for children during the war.  Some of the activities we participated in today were making our own gas masks, designing persuasive evacuation posters and keynote presentations to share our knowledge with others.   One group created a short drama scene of evacuees saying their farewells at the train station which we filmed.

P2 and the age of Internet Safety

Primary 2 are finishing off their research topic about the years 2000-2015. We learned that the internet has changed alot over the past 15 years and we need to be clued up on our Internet Safety knowledge!

The boys and girls watched a great cartoon to explain Internet Safety on the smartboard, learned some top tips for surfing the web safely, and created their own advice videos on the i-pads for other children to watch and use.